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Most likely you may have noticed that in the pics with Claire Farron (Lightning) I use the same environment which allows me to create scenes a little faster, but I'm a little worried that this can tire you out or this is not a big deal and changing the pose and camera angle is enough?

While I won't be using this too often, it will just allow content to be released a little more often if the scene allows re-use of the same environment. 

(I'm just thinking about doing one or few pics with lighting while I'm in the mood to work with her)


Senet Wylder

There are backgrounds with these wonderful pics????


Whilst I have noticed re-occurring backgrounds, I echo getting the photoshoot vibe from it, which I not only like but is typically different and adds a more unique feeling to your art. It just helps everything feel real, for a lack of a better word. I am a sucker for stories, and I do appreciate all the environmental work you do to bring your work to life. Momiji standing in the water comes to mind as one of my favourites, a genuinely beautiful piece.

We just want cock


It's perfectly fine and it also gives off the impression that it's like a photoshoot, which makes a lot sense if they're wearing the same outfits as well. I actually thought it was intentionally the same background because of this. Of course it would be nice to have a little variety every now and then, but I also don't really care too much


You make the absolutely most incredible backdrops. Honestly having the same one sometimes really feels like a photo shoot or that you're hanging out with these girls. I really hope to see some more cyber punk style things and backgrounds. Seriously your cyber girls are absolutely incredible. Like the last 2B post!! Man I wish we could see more Cyber Momiji again as well.


You know, disney did exactly this back in the day when making animated movies, they reused some backgrounds and even full animated scenes but just changed the coloring of either the background or/and the animated characters... Nobody noticed until 50 years later. (just google "disney reused animations" and check out the youtube videos) So I'd argue that doing so is actually the standard, use some color variations in your background textures etc and nobody will probably even see it, but your productivity would increase. Secondly having one char / many chars with multiple shots in one room makes sense, it's kind of a photoshoot being released to us on a steady pace.


I am very much enjoying the frequency of uploads, and if this is contributing to that then by all means reuse at will!


Love ur content! for me same background makes me think that she is in a photoshoot and its nice. loving lightning a lot, hope you continue working with her ♥


If the same background means more content by all means since your content is great every upload

Angelo B.

I like to think they all go to the same photographer. So the background creates an atmosphere of comfort for the ladies.