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Let's figure out something. 

I have asked you more than once if we need female variations, but every time I could not decide for myself if I want to stop making them, but now I am ready to stop making them and completely focus ONLY on futa content (futa, futa & futa, futa & female). How many people will stop supporting me if I stop making female variations?

I hope most of you support me for futanari. I look forward to your comments.


Roast Chicken

I support for futa content. I'm completely fine if female only variations are gone!

Chief Bandit

I'd miss female variations a bit, but I support you for futanari so I wouldn't stop.


Honestly? I've pretty much always ignored the female variations. I know you put a lot of work into them and I can appreciate that, but they're just not for me, sorry.


I'm just here for futa. I'm actually glad the female variations are going haha


I dont know how your work progress is, but if, say female variants time-made spent could be used on other character variants I'd much rather have that.


i'm here solely for the futa content and do not view the female variations at all, as far as i'm concerned they are a waste of your time. i would not lose anything if you stopped making female content. i will continue to support you for as long as you make quality futa content.


I'm here for the futa. Maybe the occasional female variation would be cool, but more futa.


I'm here for your art, any of it, but I'm especially a fan of the futa stuff. So I'm good if you want to scale back on female-only stuff or if you want to keep working on it.


I support you for the dicks and tits, but from time to time they're alright too


They NOT for me too. I've always did them as a gesture of goodwill for those who love my pictures but don't like futa. now I'm "tired" of doing something that almost doesn't excite me


I like both futa and non futa but I don't mind if we go full futa. I'd stay either way


I'm ALL IN! love your work, no matter what it is. 👍🏼


I'm here for futa, I don't enjoy the female variations ^^


I always skip the female variations completely.


To be honest, I don't think I'd miss the female variations. Pretty much here for the futa content (futa, futa x futa and futa x female that is). I'd rather see you vest your time into content you like than content you don't - maybe more futa variations instead of female variations :)


I support you for futa content


I don't mind female variations but i'm definetly subscribed because of your futa content

Roast Chicken

Maybe precum variations instead of female variations? Just throwing out an idea haha


I'm here primarily for futa, of course. But I've always watched the women's versions and I'm upset that you're going to stop making them. However, I will not terminate my subscription because of this.


Here for the futa! Would like to know if you plan in investing more with animations at all?


Some of your female pics are very beautiful, the dicks are the main attraction though. I’m be sad to see the pussy go but if we still get delicious dicks it’s ok. Now... if this was the reverse decision and you were going female only then I would be crying right now.


I 100% support this!!!! I only want to see futa on futa anyway.


It's nice to see the female variations every now and then because you do such a good job with them, but yeah I'm just here for the futa. Side note, can we just trade the female versions for horse cock versions?


I have no issue with futa only content at all. Perhaps some distinct differences in body types for the futa characters, E.G. slender/athletic/skinny and longer cocks but no worries about losing the female only forms.


Here mostly for futa, but the female versions I enjoy as well. How much does it add to your workload to do the female versions?


run a poll to see


I really like seeing both, even if female is just a single variation in the set. With that said, if you really don't enjoy doing them (like you said in a reply above), then absolutely stop. I'm here for the long haul, your work is great.


I don't mind


I don't really like doing polls. It is more interesting for me to read what people think


I'm fully down with just focusing on futa content


I don't mind them being there, but I'm not interested in the female variants. The futanari versions are the only thing I want.


I'm mostly here for the women, futa x women. Although the number of variations has always been much less than futa. I don't like futa. I'll miss the female variations, but judging by the comments, and if you don't enjoy it, it's inexpedient to keep doing the female variations.

Steven Morris

I'm happy with both and fully down for just futa


Well that would make the file size slim and more compact. win win


Here for the futa


I agree 100% futa, futa&futa,futa&female. It's what I'm here for


Only here for the futa. I pretty much delete the female ones when I’m looking at your content. I’m onboard with stopping all the double work.


Here for the Futa! Female is nice, but futa is what I love!

Grace Yasechko

Female is a nice bonus but just do what you like Steven. But mainly here for the futa 🤤


Either way is fine with me.


I'm here for the futa.


Here for the futa


nope, i’m still going to support you if you make this change. i actually love the futa more anyways


No problem here. I love your futa work.


In all due honesty I'm here only for your Ada Wong's not futa work, and even though I don't like futa...just follow your dreams.

Meowi Wowie

You didn’t ask, but I’m here for the horsecock...


I’m here for the futa. Female is just gravy on the potatoes.

Futa only


Really just here for futa mate


You have my full support, but I’d prefer Futa exclusive content. If I want female nsfw I’d go somewhere else


I'm here for Futa. And Futa on Futa. I have no interest in females art.

Glenn McLintock

Nothing but futa works for me!!!


Iv only been here for the futa


I like both your female and futa work, so go nuts dude. I'll still be here.


based, the female versions seemed extraneous, I support the move to futa only


All for the D dude. I'm good with it lol


0% pussy! high five


Here for the futa!


do what you want, i wouldn't say no, it entirely depends if its of interest to you and helps you


Perfectly fine with Futa only. Especially more Futa Triss. 😍😍😍

Bobby Jones

To this day some of my favorite pics from you have been female. A lot of the pics you do simply work better as female. I find nothing more silly/distracting then seeing a perfectly lovely pose and it being obvious you shoved a cock and/or balls in there for the sake of doing it. Would I stop supporting you if you did away with female variants? Can't really say. I mean your Futa content is the main reason most people are here I would think. But I think something tangible would be lost if you simply stopped doing female variants.


The veiny cocks and hefty balls are the real reason I'm here 😤😤

Sam Munroe

The beauties with cocks that you create caught my eye and brought me, ultimately, to being a patron here. The fact that you also created them in 3D without cocks is a wonderful addition but is by no means a driving force in my presence here. I will keep supporting you if you cease making female-only artworks.


Everything seems obvious to me. I do "silly" things when they show their penis because it turn me on. I am just like all other people, which means I also love to be horny but only dickgirls can give me this state


I usually end up deleting the female variations when I download them in the zip files and they make organizing files annoying so I'm fine with you not making them


I'm here for the futanari. Futa only please. 😁


I’m here for futa only. I don’t even look at the female variations


Huge boobs, huge balls, huge d’s :D

Chase Bauer

I'm here for the futa! Side note futa on futa isn't really my cup of tea. But even so keep up the great work!


I do like both but at the end of the day the futanari is what I am into the most.


No Make Both

joseph khoury

i support yor work no matter what path you go through


"You make non-futa?" Just kidding. Both are nice.

Dee Pee

I'm only here for the futa, I always delete the female variations in every zip I download.


I don't look at the female variants. Subbed for the futa.


I delete the female versions lol

James Bennett

I always delete and skip the female variations unless it's a futa banging a female. Lol


I'll look at the female non-nude ones for wallpapers because I really love your work but I wouldn't mind if you stopped making them, I'll just use your old works for wallpapers!

Joe Shmoe

If doing non futa versions is taking time out of your schedule and you have lost interest in it then I'm okay with you dropping them. More futa is a win win!


Honestly my friend, if you decided to stop making female variations it wouldnt be the end of the world. The only character you make that I actively search for both is Jill. That's just because I love the way new Jill looks and seeing her in both forms make me happy. On all of your other characters futa all the way. What ever you decide know I will continue my support as I have since I found you had a Patreon. I support you so you can make what ever art you want. You spoiled me with all the amazing Jill content so I cant even begin to form an argument as to why you must do something haha.


I'm here for futa as well, don't care for females only. You as a creator should do what you like, without forgetting the demanda of your audience. I'm confident that 90% of the people is here for futa mainly. Also, I'd would be nice to see more futa on female action


I'm all for both. But if you stopped doing female variations its totally fine.


I think keeping the variations for some characters is good ( Jill, Sherry ) I think you must choose who is a futa and who's not, to satisfied everyone. Like : Futa : Seong Hui - Scarlet - 2B Females : others


My preference is for the futa, so you'll be keeping my support if you opt to drop the female variants. With that being said, it's nice for the variety but no biggie if dropped.


I originally became one of your patrons because I like your 2b works. It doesn't matter to me.


I'm not going anywhere!

Dino Divo


Billy Joe

I was first drawn to your work because of the futa content. I'm all for more choices, but if I could only choose one...futa it is! Especially futa on futa :)


i love futa


I’m here for futa. Futa x futa specifically is supreme to me tho


Dont care for them too much. Still enjoy them, especially for certain characters but i don’t „Need“ them


Here for the magnum meaty futas 👌👌👌😤😤😤😤


I will Follow your journey...too talented... Let's see how amazing FUTA can be


Honestly, that's a brilliant idea. I mean, of course I love all of your art, but i separate female versions from the collection. I'm here for your beautiful futas!


I'm staying

frosty jojo

ya I'm staying too


im staying. Big dick energy is where it's at :P


I don't view the female versions anyway.




I'm not a fan of the *look* of the female variations. I wouldn't miss them at all. They're obviously an afterthought and not why people subscribe.


do you have plans to make images in 32.9 3440x1440 ? it would be fantastic


I rarely do 16:9 and this is already difficult for me, so of course not. I never thought about it

John Smith

All for the futa let’s go


yup, futa all the way


only here for the FU