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Those boobs on the windows are so sexy!!! ❤️😍❤️


Nude and no mask pleaaaase


You are too good to lately :)) have I ever mentioned that 2b is my favourite? x)

Anointed one

Black suit with cock showing?


Greaaaat pose

Dante Alexander

Are you not using Keira Metz? More have seen anything with her in months

Dante Alexander

After all these years you still don’t know how this works even if you don’t have any interest in what we want we still pay you


I am not forcing you to pay me money. If you don't like something you always can unsubscribe

Dante Alexander

I don’t like how arrogant you are Witcher females made you popular take them away you lose everyone


Oh fuck off and let him do what he wants to do. Degenerates like you belong on a cross

Dante Alexander

Okay Cum Crusader, do you not see he only post what he wants when we give him our money to see the characters we want to DOA sucks he stoped using Ciri, Fringilla, Kiera, he barley uses Triss now I’ve been here for years how long have you been here so don’t preach to me.

Timothy Guns

Take your money, shove it up your ass and leave. You're supporting a creator not paying to commission them. "he only posts what he wants" imagine a creator posting what they want and enjoying their work instead of feeling forced to make something they don't want. "DOA sucks" to you maybe but you're not the only one here buddy. "I’ve been here for years how long have you been here so don’t preach to me" So does being here for years give you carte blanche to be an asshole because, last time i checked, how long you are somewhere doesn't give you any more validation then another supporter. Seriously dude, get of your high horse and learn to understand that not everything will be catered to you. AND if you dare bring up the "i give him my money so he should do what i like" it'll just show that you have no clue how patreon works.

Dante Alexander

You have a fan base, we want to see certain characters as well

Dee Pee

That is some serious childish entitlement you got going here. If you want stuff just for you then maybe try commissioning an artist instead of wasting time here.

Dante Alexander

Or he can stop being an ass an stick to what got him big in the first place an are you serious? I’m acting entitled? Just cause I want to see Ciri? Fringilla, Excella an all the others he “lost interest” in


I am not your personal slave to do whatever you want. patreon was not created for this, it place to support creator in order to see more content from him.


I get what everyone is saying and agree on both sides to certain extent. But i do feel he should cater to his supporters to a certain extent. Maybe like do a poll on what everyone wants to see or something once a month. I subscribed along time ago to see certain characters and i havent seen them in months so i get that point as well. All in all I still enjoy your work and will continue to support you but i do hope to see other characters in rotation as well. Cheers.