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Hey guys. Nirrvash here, back after cutting myself off from - well, everything. I hope you enjoyed the Christmas holidays and whatever time off you had. I sure did, despite the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about Lament of the Slave. Not so surprising, since I've spent the last two years writing it. All the more painful to make the decision. It's a story I put my heart and soul into. It's an amazing story, and I learned a lot while writing it - but it's a story riddled with mistakes.

It took me a long time to figure that out, too long, or maybe I just didn't want to face it, but those mistakes drag me down as I write. Sometimes it's the little things, sometimes it's the bigger issues. Like the system. It was supposed to be a simple, not too complicated thing. A crutch or a guide to help me with the power scaling and the growth of Korra. Instead, it grew into something very complex. I've thought a lot about that, and I think a lot of it has to do with trying to look at things as they might actually work in the real world. A lot of novels just skip over things like that and take the system for granted, something not worth giving a second thought to. Not the way my brain works, and I simply wonder...

But it's not just that - the characters. There are a lot of characters in my story - maybe too many - but I find that I fail to give them diversity and make them different and unique. I don't mean that they're all soldiers or copies of one woman or man, but that their voices, their personalities don't come through as much as they could. It's a problem I've been aware of for a while, but I haven't been able to do anything about it. It may be my shortcoming, but it's so hard to get off the beaten track - every time I've tried to change something, I've slipped back into old habits, old characters, and so on.

I came to the conclusion that if I wanted to move forward, if I wanted to grow, I had to start over. A fresh start might allow me to do what Lament of Slave could not. It's very harsh on my beloved story, but to some extent it has become my shackle, dragging me down.

BUT, my heart won't let me just give up on Lament of the Slave. So I thought I'd try the reverse approach I've been trying for the past few months. My main focus will be on the new story, while I'll write Lament of the Slave as a side story, one chapter a month. With the pace of the story - too little, I'm aware of that, but the only other solution I can see is to rewrite the whole story. A daunting task for which I simply don't have the time. Better to put that energy into something new.

Which brings me to my next point. In order to avoid burnout, I'm going to adopt the model of other writers - one week off a month - administration week, or whatever you want to call it. My hope is that this will give me more breathing room, allow me to write under less stress, and give me more time to think about the chapters/story. As a result, the chapters should have more quality and not repeat what has already been written.

Now, as for the new story? That's still up for discussion. I have one in mind that is somewhat similar to Lament of the Slave. But I wouldn't mind continuing the story I've already written as a side story. And that's where I'll let you help me decide. I'll be releasing both stories to Tier 2 patrons during the month of January.

As you can see, January is going to be a mess.

To recap: Lament of the Slave - starting in January, only one chapter per month. Two new stories for you to help me decide which one to put more energy into. Unfortunately, nothing for tier 1 patrons and possibly nothing extra for tier 3 patrons. So I'd recommend moving down to Tier 2 for now. Simply a mess.

If you decide it's not for you, I will completely understand. If you are willing to give me a chance and help me solve this mess in January, you will have my heartfelt thanks.

Well, I've said just about everything. I hope it makes sense. Now it's up to you to make a decision. Be aware that you will be billed on January 1st if you don't change your subscription. I'll remind you every day for the rest of the year, just in case ;)



Funny story, lament of a slave was actually one of my very very first novels i started to read. Im very happy that you arent discontinuing it. Also remember that the author is usually the hardest critique of the story. As for us readers im sure we all love and enjoy it. (Well at least i do)


That's...I don't even know what to say...heartwarming to hear, to say the least. I'm quite aware that I have a rather one-sided and blinded view of my story. It may well be that as I grow better - I hope - I see more flaws and criticize my work more, which resulted in this. Be that as it may, perhaps just a stumble on the way of the Lament of the Slave I am so incredibly grateful for your support and love for my story. I couldn't have made it this far without you.


I will be blunt and simply say i dont like this at all. From my experience this usualy came to slowly droping story in question and pushing other one. Now of course i am human and i understand. Normaly i wouldnt be writing this at all. But i got used to how well you handle critique and actualy try to look at things from our view. I think perfect example would be ShipCore and Reincarnated Demones or w/e name. SC caugh me for long time and i realy enjoed it but then author anounced burnout and rewrite of old story. I am not saying second story is bad no. Its quite ok but to me its far from joy i had when reading SC. We got told author will keep swaping stories to have somehow both updated but after what 6/9 months we got like 7 SC chapter while demonnes got like 80. I can understand things around inspiration etc. But that was hardly only case and in the end i found it more anoying compared to sadness while story goes simply hiatus. I am then not even in mood to read that few halfbaked chapters we get. You have actualy one more opinion that could actualy help you more. Simply drop story for example half year completly and instead write short side story in same universe with clear scenario in head. Think of start, few goals, plot and ending. You can use existing characters but put the plot before Korra story. For ending you can choose if you want to use that new main character in Korra story or if that mc die and change something relevant for Korra. Simple example would be some young 13-15 beast girl from federation just before stuff happened and state colapsed. Then she can have some own adventure, meeting some high level monsters, meaningfull new characters for korra. She could be shunned by others because she would be "Battle artificer" (person who specialize in using enchated gear, weapons, traps) compared to usual body oriented beast man, thus reason for leaving before federation crash. In the end she could just met with korra in pub and challange her for some reason. Tbh i would let her be lower level then Korra and make her win :D just for sake of it. What this will do. It actualy change your perspective from reincarnated person to native + it will help you detach yourself from characters because its side story (i will get to this) + you will get break from main plot+ you will get new character that we actualy know about. Now in my opinion you have 2 problems as you said. System thing became realy complicated i think you are overthinking thing. It became problem because you gave it too much power. But i think thats just an ilusion. You can actualy detach from that. We know that system is basicaly guide. Book. Or manual. It doesnt matter. Ppl in the past didnt need it. Korra can use common sense + "manual" to actualy cultivate her strengh. For characters ... I know you might not like this but you are too attached. You set up "cruel" world but none of your characters died. You have many characters yes but you are torturing yourself because you want to use them all, have their point of view, their opinions. Which lead to situations like when Korra and Stela came back from labyrint. You gave them too big importance. Also i think you are trying too much to control what is going on. Some scenes feels overdetailed in certain aspecty which in return make plot move slowly. We are basicaly sitting on Korra shoulder. Also third problem Korra is actualy still jobless and homeless. Look i wont be blaming you or anything. I get it. I was here on pantheon for 100+- chapters. It was nice. I wasnt expecting perfection. I was just happy to have story that is fun for my tastes. Its not ideal no. We had few comments and messages about it. But i think sometimes trying to make something better doesnt have to be right way. I wont stop supporting you yet. I will wait for what you came up in January and i will see. But i admit i am here for Korra story.


Thanks for your honesty, much appreciated. Same with suggestions. It's so great to hear it as the other sees it. Your points seem to be spot on - and you actually mentioned a few things I didn't even realize. Especially how much I care about each character and try to give everyone space even if it's to the detriment of the story and that actually despite the dangers of the world and the countless beasts they've met I haven't killed anyone. To be honest with you, I've been thinking a lot about a story from the same world. Although while it seems like a great idea - I have that world largely established - it would just be another POV, which I've written more than enough of. And I would like to try to put my mind into something detached from Eleaden and Korra. BUT, don't despair, all is not lost. As I wrote, January will be a mess. A mess that will either spawn a new story or I'll go back to LoT entirely. I really don't know, and that's a bit scary. On the one hand I'd love to stay with Lament of the Slave, I love it, and January may just be a kind of time-out to think the story through more; on the other hand I see flaws in it, flaws that I'm not guaranteed not to make in a new story, which can be a step in a turd - shooting myself in the foot. And that's why I really appreciate your honesty and your willingness to give me a chance in January. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. A little nervous about what you'll think of the new stories, but please feel free to tell me the truth, like you always did.