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Hey, guys. As promised I'm here with more information regarding billing. I looked into your suggestion, the options provided by the Patreon website itself and that's to pause billing for one month. I like it.
Not just that it won't require anything on your part. You can simply remain a member and you won't be billed in December. If I understand correctly, unless I extend it, you will be billed on January 1st. Should anything change, I will inform you well in advance. Honestly, while I would immensely appreciate your support during my break, I would feel incredibly guilty not giving you anything in return - that's just the way I am.

And since nothing will change for you, you will still have access to everything on the site, according to your tier and potentially to new posts from me. This gives me the opportunity to inform you of any changes during December, while keeping a clear conscience.
That being said: I'm very sorry I won't be able to deliver the Tier 3 Patrons side chapter this month - my apologies. I don't know if it's just my experience, but it seems to me when things start to go wrong they all go wrong at once. As if having my thoughts all over the place due to my upcoming break wasn't enough of a drag on my writing, I caught a pretty nasty flu over the weekend - seriously, I feel like I got into a fight with Korra and it didn't go so well for me. With that said, I would also like to announce that the next chapter, the last one of the year, is postponed to Thursday, November 30, 2023.

I'm pausing billing for December. 

No Side Story in November.
Chapter 307 on Thursday
