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Author’s note: Hey guys.

Before I let you read, I have an ANNOUNCEMENT to make (22.11.2023 for Patreons of all tiers): The end of the year is approaching and with it the Christmas holidays. Usually that meant fewer chapters in the last two weeks - where I wanted to relax a bit and find time for family. And this year was to be no different.


However, for the last few weeks - maybe even a month or more - I've found it harder and harder to stay focused on writing - what used to take me two hours now takes me two and a half. While my passion for writing Lament of Slave or writing in general hasn't waned one iota, I feel...tired. Honestly it took me way too long to figure it out. I need a break. A proper break. Not some half-assed pause where I'll write anyway. And since I was going to cut back on writing at the end of December anyway, I decided to skip December altogether. A tough decision, not one made lightly. In a way I might be shooting myself in the foot. Yet I need the break.


Thinking about it, I've been writing without a proper break for over two years straight. And I honestly can't imagine not sitting down at the keyboard and typing something for a whole month. But it's something I need to do if I want to stay pursuing this dream of mine. I need to put my mind out of this for a while - and in contrast to that, think about where I want to take the story next. When I started writing Lament of the Slave, it was with abysmal experience, and the consequences of not thinking through the details linger through the story. There are many flaws, many plot holes, and I am very grateful that you are still here with me despite those. You have my respect.


So yeah, I need to catch my breath. Think through the story, the system, the skills. But also how I would like to approach writing in general after the new year and sort out a few things I've been putting off. Honestly, it could be the plethora of things lying on my mind stealing my attention and focus from my writing. Be that as it may, I want to use December to get my shit together - so to speak. 🙂


So, no chapters in December - although I'm tempted by the idea of a Christmas chapter (You see, it's gonna be hard not to write a word.) I will leave it up to you whether you decide to support me anyway in the coming month, despite not receiving anything for it. If so, you will have my undying gratitude. And if you decide to opt out - I wholeheartedly hope to see you early in the new year.


Anyway, if I'm not mistaken this leaves us with two chapters - one on Saturday, the other on Wednesday.


I thank you for your understanding and cannot express in words my gratitude for your support so far.


Thank you for reading this far and now without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 287: Not the Time - Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89913855



Chapter 287: Not the Time


A beastly howl of pain echoed through the expanse beneath the crown of the Esulmor World Tree. And that howl belonged to none other than me. With the Young Mossbear’s bite into my hind leg, I could confidently say that the one small scar from the scratch on my left arm made no difference. Or if it did, the margin was so insignificant that it didn’t matter. The beast’s fangs sunk into my flesh as easily as before. And then, as the young male bit down harder, I lost my entire leg from the knee down - hence the howl.

Once again, it was my loss.

Much to my amazement and relief, when I let my loss be known by whimpering and lowering my head and wings, Young Mossbear, though eager to fight on, managed to keep himself in check. Of course, the male didn’t let his victory go by without a proud growl, and you could say mockery of me, but he moved aside to make room for my moss treatment.


The answer to Mother Mossbear’s query was a resounding YES. The question, however, was how to go about it. My missing leg - the sight of it horrible, and the thought that I would ever be stuck that way even more so - was a real injury, one that the scar left in its wake could make a difference. It wouldn’t even be that visible a scar. My knees were mostly covered in fur, even in my human form. Yet a doubt about whether I was looking at the scars the right way crept into my mind.

After all, a tougher hide couldn’t have prevented someone like a mossbear from biting my leg off, could it? So maybe it would be better to focus on my skin’s resistance to poisons, acids, fire, and the like. To make it harder to get my parts bitten off was more the domain of my [Constitution] and [Unbending Resilience], the latter being very close to a tier-up, too.

So . . .

“No!” I grunted, shaking my head to ward off the doubts. Scratches, even small ones, were something I was far more certain to get than any other kind of injury.

»Pup?« Mother Mossbear growled, confused by my actions. And it was no wonder. My dismissive grunt reflected my own confusion. However, as is often the case, the first thought seemed to be the right one. This was a golden opportunity - and should keep the scars be a bad decision, I was sure I could always find help here in Esulmor and have the scars I would regret removed.

The mind made up; I explained my predicament to Mother Mossbear, who was more than understanding. All I had to do was activate Tier IV of [Wrought Hide], and she did the rest.

  • [Wrought Hide] reaches lvl 95
  • [Wrought Hide] reaches lvl 96
  • [Wrought Hide] reaches lvl 97

As my new leg grew under the moss pile, so did my skill. As Mother Mossbear said, she worked alongside [Wrought Hide]. The scar formed where my old leg ended and the new one began. And apparently, it wasn’t just any scar this time.

  • [Wrought Hide] reaches lvl 98

While the soft moss roots tickled my body and gave me goosebumps, I anxiously waited for system notifications, wondering if this one scar would push me to a new skill tier.

  • [Wrought Hide] reaches lvl 99

Just one more.

The thing was, I already had my leg back. No more healing needed, the scar was already in place. And to my relief, it did not look as bad as I feared.

Then, just as I had given up hope of a new tier, a familiar chime rang in my head again. Two in a row at that.

  • [Wrought Hide] reaches lvl 100
  • [Wrought Hide] reaches Tier V


Wrought Hide: lvl 112

Passive IV Passive V (Slave - 10%)

The delicate skin of humans is not to be bared in battle, unlike yours. Every scratch, every cut makes it stronger, and your fur is no different. Whether burnt, torn, or cut off, it will grow back tougher than ever before, making it your shield like your hide is armor to you.

The [toughness] and [resilience] of your fur and hide increased by 110% (100%) → 154% (140%).

Tier II - You showed you’re no stranger to a fight and don’t shy away from getting hurt. You bled, shed your tears, but pushed on, further honing your hide.

The [resistance] of your fur and hide increased by 66% (60%) → 99% (90%).

Tier III - Deviants gravitate towards change, pushing their bodies further than the members of their species would think possible. Some, like you, go so far that their twisted body hardly resembles the original one, and your hide is no exception, twisted beyond recognition. Not every change has to be just for the sake of deviations, though. And should you find one such, that thou shalt not deem pointless, you’ll be able to use it throughout your hide.

Tier IV - The battle scars etched into your hide become a canvas upon which the stories of both your existence and your lineage are painted, interwoven into a narrative of enduring resilience. Each scar is a testament to your tenacity, a mark of honor that bespeaks the countless trials you've surmounted. These scars, far from being imperfections, are channels through which the very essence of your being flows, emboldens your hide with a nuanced, labyrinthine weight of these stories, infusing it with an indomitable strength that echoes through the time.

Each scar bears the memory of what caused it and the matching resistance to that cause.

Tier V - It’s not just the scars that tell your story and speak of your strength and prowess. Even a beast’s unblemished skin or fur can tell a great deal, sometimes more than the scars do themselves. The stronger you grow, the healthier and more vibrant you will find yourself to appear.


A pang of disappointment struck my heart. If I understood correctly, and I read the contents of the new tier back and forth a few times, all this tier did was make me look better - healthier. Sure, not things you can just brush off. I yearned to be pretty, to be liked, and it wasn’t just some beast instinct in me looking for a mate; it was mostly my human side, as far as I could tell. So why was that in this tier? It was so far from what I would have expected from a skill tied to a deviation towards beasts that I looked to Mother Mossbear and found myself searching for an answer with her.

When the huge beast laughed, I almost pissed myself. » To take care of one, pup, common sense. Tangled fur terror. Bone caught in your teeth nuisance. Long claws bother. Overgrown moss too heavy. Broken antlers shame.«

I couldn’t help but look all over the ancient female mossbear. As massive as she was, her fur the length of my hair, her entire back covered with moss, her antlers covered with lianas, she was not very well groomed at first glance, giving off a tired, clumsy impression. When I looked at her through the eyes of the beast, I saw her for what she truly was: a Mother Mossbear. From the tips of her antlers to the sharp ends of her claws, everything spoke of her might, vibrant with life. For all her age, she was vigorous; she wasn’t starving nor suffering from disease. Anyone who wasn’t blind could see that.

That was the power of Tier V. Show others who you are without saying a word. Make them think twice about provoking you before they even entertain the idea of messing with you.

»Pup see,« Mother Mossbear purred contentedly, letting the moss recede from my body. The healing was finished. I had my leg back.

“I do, thank you,” I growled back, expressing my gratitude and testing my new leg. It felt like I had never lost it, even though the scar hidden under the fur told a different story. The same held true after shifting into my human form. Only with a slight difference. Where the fur did not cover my knee, the sides and back of it, a thin scar could be seen.

No lasting consequences, no limitations, though. The scar did not go deeper than the skin.

Eager to test the effect, I quickly shoveled in a few handfuls of lettuce moss and shifted back, ready for another round with Young Mossbear.




Of course, my eagerness to test the changes to my hide that the scar below my knee was supposed to bring didn’t mean that I would let the young male bite me just for the hell of it. First of all, he wouldn’t like it. Second, my inner beast wouldn’t take it lying down either. This was training, a bout I went into every time with the intention of winning - even though I knew it was next to impossible.

And so, as always, I danced to that deadly rhythm, pushing myself to the limit for as long as I could, prodding at the beast here and there. There’s no better way to describe my attacks. Even if I drew blood and cut the skin with my claws, it meant nothing to the Young Mossbear.

In contrast, when I was too slow to dodge the male’s claws, they cut deep.

Or they were supposed to.

This time, his claws, sharp as they were, only skimmed over my skin, pressing the flesh underneath. But aside from the torn fur and the pink, bloody scratches, they didn’t leave any major damage on my flank. Admittedly, it was not the hardest hit I had ever endured. Still . . .

The difference left me speechless.

Not for long, though.

I mean, when Young Mossbear pounced again, and I was even slower in my amazement, he didn’t have the slightest trouble getting his claws through my hide. The noticeable difference was still there, though. With the scar, my skin was a little more resistant to piercing. Thrilled as I was when it came to being healed by Mother Mossbear after inevitably getting mauled by the young male, I asked her again to leave the scars.

And tits, the resistances were stacking up.




By the end of the day, or rather, when the end of our training came a few hours later, my body was covered in scars. Not so noticeable under the fur in my beast form, but unmissable when I walked around as a bare-assed human under the Idleaf’s leafy crown.

Still, damn.

The Young Mossbear was unable to inflict any injury on me with his claws, and his teeth only pierced my skin when my bones were already shattering under the force of his jaws. A flaw in an otherwise wonderful skill. It was as if . . . as if I was an egg or a pillow. The shell was firm, but the insides, despite my [Constitution], were still soft and squishy.

Something for [Unbending Resilience] to deal with, I guessed.

Another thing was that even though the strength of the scars stacked up, the yield diminished and varied from scar to scar. If I had to say, as the skill description spoke, the scars were stories of how I came to have them, of my prowess. And what covered my body now were pages telling pretty much the same tale from different perspectives, depicting one perfect story.

But there was the rub. Only one story to tell.

Where was the resistance to acids, heat, cold, magic and more? If I wanted them all, I wouldn’t be able to see a piece of my skin for all the scars.

And so, in the end, I decided to keep the most powerful one: the first one that told of my encounter with this Young Mossbear. There were beasts out there and humans whose claws or blades could give me more benefits in the form of scars than a hundred here.

“Not a call everyone would make, I must say,” Sah spoke as I emerged from Mother Mossbear’s mossy embrace, my skin unblemished except for a scar below my left knee. “I know few, even women, one a [Berserker Warrior], who looked worse than you the last time I saw her.

I understood a long while ago that [Wrought Hide] wasn’t a unique skill, or rather, the Tier IV of the skill wasn’t exclusive to me. The system took the knowledge of our ancestors, both those who died thousands of years ago and those who died recently - or even those who were still alive - and presented it to me in a format tailored to me, my needs . . . and my wishes. At least that’s what I choose to believe was the reason for Tier V of the skill and a few others.

As Mr. Sandoval once told me, human strivings had more influence on the system than they thought. Besides, the system was supposed to be a guide, and as with guides, you should be able to tell it where you want it to take you, even beyond directing the system through class and skill selection.

Be that as it may, I put on a shirt and shorts, walked over to Sah and sat down next to him. “I’m not everyone, you know.”

“I didn’t say that, Grey. Just that many would choose strength and sacrifice looks.”

“Even you?”

“There’s a fine line. In my line of work, I can’t afford to have people intimidated just by glancing at me.”

“Are you serious?” I looked at him in disbelief. “Those question marks alone will do that.”

“Unfortunately,” Sah said with a sigh. “Not the reputation Imperial Agents were supposed to have. The organization was founded with an idea similar to your position. We were to be seen as the protectors of the Empire, the Guardians of Sahal.”

“Only working in the shadows.”

“Yes. Not everyone can wield a shining sword on the battlefield or bring down fire from the sky by weaving mana. You know that yourself, Grey.”

That I did. Even thousands of years ago, people specialized in professions regardless of the system, the same on Earth.

“Besides, not all deeds need to be seen to have an impact, the same with scars. I dare say that the scar on one’s heart will have a far greater consequence than the one on one’s skin.

“I don’t think my skill allows for that,” I pointed out, checking the description of [Wrought Hide].

“And that’s not even what I meant. Although the physical scars deep inside can be quite dangerous as well.”

“I didn’t expect you to be so philosophical, Sah.” I said when I realized he was talking about scars from traumas - scars on the soul. And indeed, those could have had an enormous impact. The scarring of my womb was a good example. While mostly gone now, the same could not be said for the toll it left on me.

“I am many things, Grey,” Agent Sah said, a roguish smile flashing across his face before he turned serious again. “Anyway, enough about me. Check your stats and let’s go see your mentor. I think he’s finished his training here as well.”

My ears perked up. The woods were indeed quiet.

»Your teacher waiting near Idleaf’s trunk. Care of your moss.« Mother Mossbear grumbled before getting up and walking away.

“Yeah, you’re right,” I relayed what the massive mossbear had said to Sah and looked at my stats. This training might not have resulted in the same amount of changes as sparring with Deckard, but now that I knew what I was capable of, the system was showing me new ways to improve. Tier IV and V of [Wrought Hide] were great examples of that, and so was the new tier of [Tail of Poison Empress].

Not the only two skills I reached new heights in, though.


Name: Korra’leigh Grey

Race: Human/Beast

Gender: Female

Age: 29 30

Main Class: Deviant of Humanity

Sub Class: Slave

Level: 148 153

[Unspent Stat Points: 31]



Constitution:  152 266 (41)

Strength: 135 (30)

Endurance: 78 (29)

Dexterity: 67 (28)

Intelligence: 76 79 (17)

Wisdom: 46 (14)



Indomitable Will (Passive VI): lvl 167 170

Behemoth (Active III): lvl 38 40

Wrought Hide (↑Passive V↑): lvl 93 112

Unbending Resilience (↑Passive V↑): lvl 88 106

Mantle of Magic (Active III): lvl 38 49

Ride of Ancestors (Active V): lvl 107 118

Call of Nature (↑Passive V↑): lvl 94 102

Beast Core: (Passive III): lvl 32 45



Perfect Equilibrium (Passive V): lvl 113 121

Spatial Domain (Passive V): lvl 127 137

Beast (Passive VI): lvl 175 189

Never-Dying (↑Passive V): lvl 143 149

Tail of Poison Empress (↑Active III↑): lvl 27 44

Heart of Magic (Passive III): lvl 58 59

Striving Mule (Passive V): lvl 136 147

Dancer’s Stride (Passive V): lvl 120 148

None to Squander (Passive III): lvl 38 43

Roundhouse Kick (Active I): lvl 7


“Damn!” Whenever I looked at my stats, I couldn’t help but marvel. For over eight months, the numbers hadn’t changed, and now . . . I was at a damned level 153, had 31 unused stat points, and had no idea what to do with them.

There was a time for everything, or so they said. Just a fancy excuse to put it off until later.

Anyway, [Unbending Resilience].

What I was hoping for didn’t come with the new tier, at least not in the form I was expecting.


Unbending Resilience: lvl 106

Passive IV Passive V (Slave - 10%)

As fierce as you can be, you’re even harder to kill than you first appear. Driven by your rich nature, your robustness reaches unprecedented heights, making you an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

The [resilience], [toughness], and [vitality] of your body increased by 110%(100%) → 154%(140%).

Tier II - Many have tried to rob you of it, and you had suffered plenty when your life was threatened to be taken from you. Yet you didn’t give in and instead connected more with your rich nature, bringing even more from your ancestry, and making your health even more robust.

Your [Constitution] increased by 77%(70%) → 110%(100%).

Tier III - Ripped, cut, bitten, no matter what befalls your tender flesh, remaining unbroken is what matters. After all, it's easier to regenerate a torn muscle or a bitten-off spleen than a severed leg. You figured it out, and your body learned it the hard way, adapted, and gave you a way to not worry too much about such a trifle.

Your bones and tendons are twice as resilient and tough as the rest of your body

Tier IV - Each fiber of your being, from sinew to bone, resonates with a density that mirrors the trials and hardships you endured through battles, emerging as an unbreakable bastion against the onslaught of harm.

The density of your cells reflects your weight.

Tier V - No matter how high your resilience may reach, there always seems to be an opponent strong enough to wreck your body lying in wait for you around the next corner. To get past the limits of what your body can take so you can face what life throws at you, it is essential to use everything at your disposal. The mana your body abounds in is one such thing.

You are able to mitigate up to 20% of damage with mana.


Honestly, the first time I tried it, the loss of mana took my breath away. The damage mitigation took more than I bargained for. On the other hand, once I got used to it, I found it quite convenient. Alas, for someone who didn’t know magic too well, my mana consumption in combat rivaled that of a master mage.

An exaggeration, of course. Still . . . if I didn’t have the heart I had, the core . . . if I wasn’t a magical creature through and through, I would have serious problems sustaining my skills.

That was where the new tier of [Nature Call] shone. Seriously, it was as if the system sensed my needs and offered me a way to deal with my shortcomings. Be that as it may, a coincidence or simply the result of using the system the right way, I was not one to complain.


Call of Nature: lvl 102

Passive IV Passive V (Deviant - 30%)

No matter how it came to be, you're more than a mere human torn from your roots. Connected to your nature stronger than any beast, you can call it to its full potential. Whether it's a human or beast trait, it will be 84%(65%) → 123%(95%) more prominent, and if you were to use the talents you've been pursuing to acquire, you'd find them 130%(100%) → 169%(130%) more powerful.

Tier II - To embrace our nature, what we are, is nothing to be ashamed of but hard for many to do. You've done more than that and revel in nature of your own. For that, you'll find using your talents 58%(45%) → 84%(65%) easier.

Tier III - One's nature is something not easily hidden, weighing on the mind even if veiled from the eyes of your kind no less than the thoughts of theirs regarding the nature you have chosen to embrace. You have risen above the petty ones of your kind, unmindful of their dark thoughts toward you, unencumbered by the regrets of your own being, and therefore you find the burden on your mind regarding your nature 39%(30%) → 58%(45%) lighter.

Tier IV - As the bond between your dual nature solidifies the essence of humanity and the essence of the wild intermingle within you, resonating with a potency that echoes through every fiber of your being.The boundaries that once separated these aspects blur and intertwine, forging an identity that blurs the lines between both worlds even to you.

No longer is it possible to separate the two or for the two to be separated.

Tier V - With your dual nature as one you find yourself in an unprecedented ease, not torn between two, but coexisting along. What was once a chore is now a natural thing for you and thus not so taxing.


Not many words and even fewer numbers, yet the effect was hard to miss. Though the system did not see fit to show me more of my potential until the second to last round with Young Mossbear, it was enough to see how much smoother my movements and use of mana had become.

Garan and Vienlin talked about how the more I get in touch with my inner beasts, the more natural it will be for me to move in my beast form. But I never thought it would make such a difference. If I had to compare it to anything, I would say I feel ten years younger.

“Someone’s happy,” Sah remarked on my wagging tail.

“You have a problem with that?”

“Not at all. Just given the situation . . . forget it. Are you ready to go or . . .”

“I am. Let’s go.” There was a time to face the beast like a mossbear, and there was a time to face the beast in terms of stat point distribution. And the time for the latter has not yet come.


Author’s note: As you may have read, Korra has figured out a lot of new things during her training, yet if you look at her Status Screen you can find many skills just short of the next tier. Bottlenecks - in other words, she still has much to discover about her own skills - not to mention [Roundhouse Kick].

Anyway, my question to you is how do you think Korra should divide her [31] stat points?

Constitution: 266 (41) + [?]

Strength: 135 (30) + [?]

Endurance: 78 (29) + [?]

Dexterity: 67 (28) + [?]

Intelligence: 79 (17) + [?]

Wisdom: 46 (14) + [?]


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I think with the addition of Magic to her skills she will need a boost to her wisdom so her magic can keep up with her regeneration


Probably typo again :D wrong tier with call od nature. Should be V and not IV. Its in first shown in her full status


And tbh i also for some magic atributes. While its basicaly only thing she didnt train in echo. She is becaming heavily reliant on her mana. Its like logical progress. Her core skill Beast is basicaly kicking her far above normal fighters so magic should be somehow next progress since its somehow her weakness. I wouldnt shy even pumping all points in mana capacity.


She should at least spend 10 points inbetween int and wis


Typo - so many things to keep track of. Much appreciated, thank you. :)


I see that there is unprecedented agreement both among you readers and myself. While shoving everything into [Constitution] would bring her the most out of one stat point - magic is where she is lacking the most.


I see that there is unprecedented agreement both among you readers and myself. While shoving everything into [Constitution] would bring her the most out of one stat point - magic is where she is lacking the most.


I see that there is unprecedented consensus both among you and with me. While shoving everything into [Constitution] would bring her the most out of one stat point - magic is where she is lacking the most and in the greatest need of.


Oh no the autor has been replaced with a bot!!! Nooo!!!! Someone needs to save him from the AI overlord.


Tftc! All into wisdom and intelligence. Want that magic going


:D I kinda had no idea what else to reply to basically the same thing. Not a bot, but laziness.

Kenneth Welever

She should equalize her stats. Right now she keeps crippling herself by saying she will never be a good mage because of low int & Wis but never fixed It. Yet despite them being dump stats rn she has multiple bonuses that would skyrocket any fix she makes. She needs to balance her stats to truly know where her bonuses will take her. End (29)+1=30 Dex (28)+1=29 Int (17)+13=30 Wis (14)+16=30 16+13+1+1=31


Yeah, the way people think of her as a tank can be pretty misleading, too. Making her think that Con, and Str are the way to go, but at her core she is a magical creature, not like made up of mana, but she needs mana to live. Thanks for sharing your opinion and specific stat point distribution, much appreciated. :)

Kenneth Welever

No problem. She could also put two points into dex and leave endurance at 29 for one more level. Those parts aren't what's important. If she asks for advice again which I think might be a good idea, she can have her large extra stat pool pointed out to her with the added reasoning I put in above. I mean, she knows "Technically" that her stat boosts make her magic stats not irrelevant, but I don't think it's hit her just how seriously they affect her stats. If she upped her int and wisdom those boosts would likely damned near eclipse her current str since I think they are stronger than her str boost, or damned near. She just hasn't been able to get a clear picture. Moving foreward from a balanced sheet will give her a better idea of her path.

Kenneth Welever

In fact she should ask her magic teacher what effect essentially doubling her wis and int would do.


I'm of the opinion that she should probably bump endurance up to 100. The girl has starved herself to death multiple times from overworking. Let her have a break lol


Good chapter! The numbers on the [Call of Nature] shouldn’t have increased, as those previous ones (65% and 100% for Tier I, 45% for Tier II, etc.) were already the numbers for Tier V. Then you decided to put Korra back at Tier IV of [Call of Nature] but left the Tier V numbers, so this increase should happen only when she reaches Tier VI. Could you tell me the increases to Tier I and Tier II of Korra’s [Wrought Hide] after it reached Tier V? For my notes. It’s not really that important, but I’m afraid I’ll forget right away and I like to keep everything in order, haha. As for my stat distribution suggestions: Constitution: 266 (41) + [4] = (45) Strength: 135 (30) + [0] = (30) Endurance: 78 (29) + [1] = (30) Dexterity: 67 (28) + [2] = (30) Intelligence: 76 (17) + [13] = (30) Wisdom: 46 (14) + [11] = (25) The way I see it, Korra is a tanky generalist. She needs absolutely everything, so might as well get her stats to a somewhat even point, with Constitution remaining as her primary stat. This distribution also has the added benefit of being pleasing to the eye, haha.

Michael Neal

Looks like everyone beat me to it. Like you said, she needs mana to live. Push that magic up.


[Call of Nature] Well I checked back in my notes and the numbers are correct this time - at least I hope so. :) Tier I - 20/35 following - (II)30/50 - (III)45/70 - (IV)65/100 - so now that the skill has reached Tier V it should be 95/130. I hope what I wrote makes sense, I tried to be brief. I know I messed up with skills and especially this one, so it's really great to be double checked. Much appreciated. [Wrought Hide] - I'm sorry, I meant to put it in the chapter. I'll do so in two or three hours (I'm short of time right now) - I'll let you know when it's in. I really appreciate the writing out the stat distribution - notes taken. :)

Kenneth Welever

While I'd prefer both wis and int to reach 30 this is defiantly a far more aesthetically pleasing result.


@Nirrvash Ah, sorry about making a wrong suggestion then. If that’s the case, then there must’ve been a mistake the first time around, when [Call] was initially put at Tier V before getting reverted back to Tier IV. Well then, that means new numbers and stuff to recalculate, nice! I’m sure you’re gonna calculate them for yourself, but if anyone else is curious about what changed because of Tier V of [Call], here are the numbers: Tier III of [Ride of Ancestors]: 130% (50%) –> 149% (50%) Tier II of [Beast Core]: 117% (45%) –> 134% (45%) Tier II of [Tail of Poison Empress]: 78% (30%) –> (89%) 30% Tier III of [Tail of Poison Empress]: 52% (20%) –> (59%) 20% Tier II of [Beast]: 256% (95%) –> 293% (95%) Tier III of [Beast]: 175% (65%) –> 200% (65%) Tier IV of [Beast]: 121% (45%) –> 139% (45%) Tier IV of [Beast] is the only one that affects Korra’s stats directly. It increases the total bonus to her Intelligence from +351% to +369%, changing 76 (17) into 79 (17). A three-point difference; it ain’t much, but it’s there! And no worries about the lack of the first few [Wrought Hide] Tiers, they weren’t that important or needed in the chapter. I mostly asked because I like ‘em numbers, and I want them all, haha. =========================================== @Kenneth Welever Aye, I suggested that four-point increase to Constitution with a heavy heart. I would’ve preferred an option for Korra to reduce her Constitution by one instead, giving us the beautiful combo of 40, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, but alas, such is impossible. One can dream, though!


@Silerus So the whole description [Wrought Hide] was added to the chapter as it should have been. I tend to write only the new parts to keep track of the words I write - and not shorten the chapters unnecessarily with old skill descriptions. I add the full descriptions at the very end. I missed the increased intelligence from [Beast]. I edited the skill description according to the new values of [Call of Nature] in my notes but somehow I didn't include this in the stats. Thanks for pointing it out. Fixed. Also, I'm reculant to post a comprehensive list of all skills on patreon precisely because a lot of skills will be changing and influencing each other. And I've looked at [Call of Nature] in Chapter 280: [Status Screen] - link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88701862 but the values there are written correctly. I could be wrong, though. I'll have to look at it properly tomorrow.I'm too tired already today to think straight. :D


@Nirrvash Okay so the values of [Core] are correct now, but I don’t really know how to succinctly explain what led to me thinking they weren’t, so here’s the long version: When you first posted the [Status Screen] chapter, [Call of Nature] was at Tier V, and we had a bit of an exchange in the comments about it that led you to decide to lower it from Tier V to Tier IV Level 94. After you reduced the skill’s Tier from V to IV, the percentage values remained the same. It was at 65%/100% when you first posted the skill at Tier V, and it remained at 65%/100% after the level reduction to Tier IV. I pointed this out in the last comment on the [Status Screen] chapter. Now that Korra leveled up the Skill back up to Tier V, the percentage values increased again. I was sure that shouldn’t have happened because of what I wrote above, but if you checked your notes and the current values are correct, then that means that they were incorrect the very first time you posted the [Status Screen] chapter with [Call of Nature] at Tier V. Does this make sense? I’m not sure how to explain this better. Anyway, sorry for all the confusion!