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A quick poll, a question, a request for advice...take it as you will, but at times I feel like an idiot. I believe there is no shame in admitting mistakes when one makes them and I have made a few of them.

One of them name Fallens Cry.

I've been going through some Edit Suggestions on RR lately and along with the gaps in my grammar, readers are pointing me increasingly to one glaring one and that is Fallens Cry.

I'll admit it's something I've been aware of for some time and kind of ignored...probably because it's beyond my power to fix it through the whole story. Lessons learned; don't put off the issues. It could have been resolved a long time ago.

Anyway, with gaps in my English grammar (my second language) I created a name for the labyrinth in Castiana, Fallens Cry. The original idea was that it was the cry of fallen soldiers not just Traiana and therefore plural - Which brings me to the problem that, as I found out, fallen doesn't have a plural form.

The second problem is that Fallens should be possessive. So Fallen's or Fallens'.

The third problem as then Cry itself...if it is multiple soldiers can I still talk about one Cry or is it Cries.

Anyway, since then my view of the Labyrinth has matured a bit and I am inclined to think that the title refers to the lament of Traiana herself (who also fell in battle) over the fallen soldiers. So the name Fallen's Cry is closest to my heart (not so different from the original).

However, I want to give you the opportunity to express how you see it, what name would fit the story better according to you and last but not least explain to me if and where I am still wrong. 

So here are a few options - although to be honest, I don't really feel like making a very fundamental change



Fallens Cry may be grammatically incorrect, but the labyrinth is quite old and language evolves over time. So it could be that it’s original name meant cry of the fallen or cries of the fallen, but with the changing language it became an Eigenname, so now it’s called Fallens cry.

Azurus Icewind

Could have it hand waived like Ryloth said with a character dialogue or two explaining why it is. Personally I think it's easier to do a ctrl+f and just edit all the pages one by 1 and look for it and change it.


Okay so I looked it up and it would be 53 cases and that's not terrible- I used that word less often than I expected. It would be more feasible than I feared, at least as far as my source documents are concerned-the question then is what to do with the ones I've already put on the internet.... but I guess I could slowly fix it everywhere