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(Updated with Chapter 163)

General Skills (10/10):

Eleaden Standard Language (Passive I): lvl 9

Perfect Equilibrium (Passive III): lvl 32

Spatial Domain (Passive III): lvl 35

Beast (Passive III): lvl 44

Never-Dying (Passive III): lvl 47

Tail of Poison Empress (Active II): lvl 16

Heart of Magic (Passive I): lvl 9

Striving Mule (Passive II): lvl 18

Dancer’s Stride (Passive II): lvl 23

None to Squander (Passive II): lvl 12


Eleaden Standard Language

Passive I

Speech and writing are one of the basic forms of communication. It's a way to share your thoughts with others. However, not everyone speaks the same language, but Eleaden Standard is the most common among them. You have mastered this basic form of communication.

Perfect Equilibrium

Passive III

Even with extra limbs, you have the potential to achieve the perfect balance, perfect coordination of the body in space. You can say goodbye to unwanted falls as you can twist like a tumbler, move like a dancer, or land with the grace of a cat.

Tier II - Achieving perfection is not easy, and body coordination alone is not enough. The world around you is constantly in motion, shifting. You need to react to these changes in time.

Your reaction speed is increased by 10% → 20%.

Tier III - As you've discovered, you can have the best coordination and the fastest reaction speed, but it's no use if your body can't keep up. But even when you felt like you were swimming upstream and your feet were stuck in the mud, you persevered, pushed on, and reached new speeds.

The [speed], [agility], and [nibleness] of your body increased by 10%.

Spatial Domain

Passive III

You are the mistress of the surrounding space, and nothing in your domain will escape your attention. The space you can consider your own reaches 3m → 5m from your body, and as you grow stronger, your reach will grow too.

Tier II - You may be a master in your domain, but the dull space outside of it has been out of your reach so far. That plain colorless world has gained more shades to it, and you can now perceive it more clearly within a range of 6m → 10m.

Tier III - As your awareness of your surroundings grows, so does your defense against the prying eyes of others. Being it someone of a lower level than you, they will find it hard to read you.


Passive III (Slave - 10%; Deviant - 30%)

Humans can say what they want, but there is a bit of a beast in each of them. Yet, there is more beast in you than is typical of humans. Why not accept it and admit that you are stronger than a purebred human because of it? [Strength] and [Constitution] increased by 110%(100%) → 140%(100%)

Tier II - Acceptance is one thing, but letting out the beast within you another. As you have learned, it is not so easy to control your instincts in that state, but do it, and your [Strength] and [Constitution] will increase by up to 33%(30%) → 42%(30%)

[Call of Nature] - [Strength] and [Constitution] increased by up to 42%(30%) → 55%(30%)

Tier III - You're a beast, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And the beasts are quick on their feet, and heal fast. Your [speed] and [regeneration] will increase by up to 22%(20%) →28%(20%)

[Call of Nature] - [speed] and [regeneration] increased by up to 28%(20%) → 37%(20%)


Passive III (Slave - 10%)

Dying is not good for your health. Although you died several times, always coming back to life. The regeneration of your body is exceptional, and even death does not mean the end of the road for you. As long as the brain is not damaged, you can find a new way to die later.

Tier II - To avoid further death, the [regeneration] of your body is further enhanced by 82%(75%) and the [Constitution] by 22%(20%)

Tier III - In some situations, it may matter how quickly you can get back on your feet. There’s nothing easier than boosting regeneration with a little bit of mana.

Tail of Poison Empress

Active II (Deviant - 30%)

Death awaits everyone, but for some, it comes earlier in the form of poison. Your tail is your natural weapon excreting deadly poisonous gas. Blazing orange and with the smell of apples, this poison does not escape attention. However, this may change as more experience is gained.

Tier II - Naturally, the more experience/levels you gain, the stronger, more effective, and faster acting your poison will be. But more is always better, especially if it's at a lower cost.

Amount of poison produced increased by 13%(10%).

Amount of mana required to create a unit of poison reduced by 13%(10%).

[Call of Nature - 45%]

Amount of poison produced increased by 17%(10%).

Amount of mana required to create a unit of poison reduced by 17%(10%).

Heart of Magic

Passive I (Deviant - 30%) [Call of Nature - 45%]

You are a magical creature. Mana is an integral part of you, flowing through your veins. You can't survive without mana, but your [Intelligence] and [Wisdom] are 97%(75%) greater.

None to Squander

Pasive II (Slave - 10%)

You're one of those people who consider wasted food a crime and an unfinished plate an insult to the cook. That mindset is mirrored in the nature of your body itself. Don't waste a single grain, and digest what you can of the mouthful you get!

The efficiency with which you digest food increased by 33%(30%) → 49%(45%).

Tier II - Many people can eat every crumb and drink every last drop, while your body gets the most out of it and still squander most of the nutrients they got from the food. Not you. Your body is not as wasteful and needs far less nutrients and water to run.

The efficiency with which your body uses nutrients increased by 33%(30%).

Sweet, salty, sour, food holds many flavors that can make your tongue writhe in delight. Taste hardly matters when it comes to nourishment, though, and you know it.

Dancer’s Stride

Active II (Slave - 10%)

Not every step is the same. It can be heavy, cumbersome, short, or clumsy. Yours is neither. The dancer’s step is light, graceful, and swift. All the more true of their stride.

Your [Dexterity] increased by 22%(20%)->33%(30%).

Tier II - The days of counting steps and keeping your eyes on your toes are over, a massive stride in every dancer’s path. With mastery of these fundamentals, you’ll find not only your strides easier to take, yet faster to do too.

Your [Speed] increased by 11%(10%).

Striving Mule

Passive II (Slave - 10%)

You've got the tenacity of a striving mule. You want to get things done, strive to reach your destination, and endure through the rough times, no matter what. For that, for the pursuit of your endeavors, your [Endurance] is increased by 27%(25%)→38%(35%).

Tier II - It's hard to persevere in your endeavors when each step taken is harder and harder to endure. But, you sought to achieve your goals despite the hardships thrown your way like the true striving mule you are.

The [stamina] and [tenacity] of yours increased by 11%(10%).



Shouldn't Heart of Magic give a 131% bonus? Unless that [Call of Nature - 45%] is there by mistake. Or, unless it's a boost to her magic control. So you decided that Never-Dying isn't enhanced by Deviant of Humanity. Not sure if I agree, but I do understand this decision.


It is not there by mistake. Hear of Magic is influenced by Call of Nature, but only the active part - using mana and controlling it. Skill is passive at its core, so it doesn't show up in the description. Never-Dying was a hard decision to make. However, it is not a skill that is a deviation or a change. At its core, it's a skill very similar to standard regenerative skills that, with enough level, can bring a person back to life as well. Sure, there's more to it, but...not in the way Deviant of Humanity would effect it.


Some levels here are wrong. Spatial Domain got to level 21 in chapter 107. Never-Dying got to level 40 in chapter 107. Inner Perception got to level 13 in chapter 107. Edit1: "[Call of Nature] - [speed] and [regeneration] increased by up to 28%(20%) → 35%(20%)" and "[Call of Nature] - [Strength] and [Constitution] increased by up to 42%(30%) → 52%(30%)" That final % is wrong. 20% + 8% (Slave and Deviant) + 9% (Call of Nature [45%]) = 37% 30% + 12% (Slave and Deviant) + 13.5% (Call of Nature [45%]) = ~55% I think you calculated both of them with Call at 35%.


I think you might have missed this post. Just reminding about it, so those mistakes don't cascade into the future :)