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So yeah, as I've mentioned a few times I'm releasing the chapter as written. Nothing in stock, so here's your chance to influence the story, though I reserve the right to decide.

I'm the type of author who doesn't have a detailed outline, just a rough road map, and I tend to write by guts. It's the same with evolution, I have a rough idea of the direction I want to steer Korra, but I'm giving you a chance to steer her, my thoughts, in the direction you want. I still have the final say :)

So if you were in her shoes (which she doesn't have) what class would you choose?



She totally has to get drunk and choose over grown duster. It is the only right class to pick.

Clayton Marshall

Reposted from the post I made on chapter #107: "I hope she eventually picks Deviant of Humanity. Story wise, it seems most the most interesting choice, it would go with her mutations well, and give her the largest power-boost. She's already come to terms with her beast side, and the description clearly says she won't LOSE her humanity from it, just push her beast side more, so I say she should go with it. :-) Obviously it's you Nirrvash's - the author's - call in the end, though. But that has my vote."