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Author's note: Hey, guys.

Sorry to disappoint, but there won't be a chapter today. I have a finished rough version that needs some more care and editing. That said, I don't know if I can make it tomorrow. I've got a busy Saturday ahead of me. I wish I could squeeze it into my schedule, but rather expect Chapter 104 on Sunday. Thanks for understanding.

Now to what this is about. I thought some of you would appreciate having the Status Screen and Skill descriptions in one place in case you want to look at them. I know myself how annoying it is to search through the chapters to find where it was mentioned. So here it is.

If you don't see it as useful, ignore it. :D

If you see inconsistencies in this, something that doesn't make sense, feel free to mention them to me. I make mistakes like everyone else.

More note:

I am aware that due to the forthcoming Class Evolution this post should have come sooner. When it comes, I'll reconsider how I approach it. Whether I incorporate the changes into this post or make a new one. I'm leaning towards the latter for the sake of clarity. Something like before and after Evolution.

Just a few of my thoughts. That's all from me today.

Name: Korra Grey

Race: Human/Beast

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Class: Slave (Master - None)

Level: 99

[Unspent Stat Points: 5]

Constitution: 73 (39)

Strength: 40 (23)

Endurance: 31 (25)

Dexterity: 23 (23)

Intelligence: 19 (11)

Wisdom: 17 (10)

Class Skills (6/6):

Indomitable Will (Passive V): lvl 118

Painless Agony (Passive II): lvl 25

Tireless Machine (Passive II): lvl 27

Swift as a Whip (Active II):  lvl 24

Master's Lover (Passive I): lvl 6

Master's Shield (Active II):  lvl 18

General Skills (8/8):

Eleaden Standard Language (Passive I): lvl 4

Perfect Equilibrium (Passive II):  lvl 19

Spatial Domain (Passive II):  lvl 20

Beast (Passive II): lvl 29

Never-Dying (Passive III): lvl 39

Tail of Poison Empress (Active II): lvl 12

Heart of Magic (Passive I): lvl 9

Inner Perception (Active II): lvl 12

Slave: lvl 99

Every man, woman or child can become a slave, but not everyone can be a good slave. Those with this class have this privilege. Your possibilities are endless, because you can really become the slave your master needs that he wants. All you have to do is choose the right combination of skills.

The efficiency of skills related to your health, strength, endurance, dexterity or obedience to your master is increased by 10%

Class skills (6/6):

Indomitable Will: lvl 118

Passive V

Your mind will withstand the abuse, recover from it, and become stronger, more indomitable.

Lv 10 - II - Even though your mind suffered, you kept in control of it. You can decide when and how much your mind needs to be calmed.

Lv 30 - III - You can be as strong as you want, but there are times when even the strongest need a little comfort. The calming effect of the skill is doubled.

Lv 60 - IV - There is nothing worse than being used against your master against your will. Those who try would find that your mind is not so easy to control.

Lv 100 - V - It's hard, but even what has been shattered can be put back together again. The same goes for your mind.

Painless Agony: lvl 25

Passive II

Whether your suffering is your master's intention, lack of interest, or hobby, you must endure it in order to continue to serve him. You have learned to live with agony and to some extent, feel less pain. With each level gained, you feel 1% less pain.

Agony pain lessened by: 25%

II - The twinge of the body in pain can please your master's eye, but also evoke disgust. However, it should not weigh too heavily on your heart, as you can now control this reaction of your body to the agony.

Tireless Machine: lvl 27

Passive II

Sleep is for the weak. Fatigue is just another obstacle that stands in the way of reaching your (masters) goal. Your endurance and its regeneration is increased by 16%(15%) → 27%(25%).

II - When you feel tired, it is the best time to try harder and push your limits. Even torn muscles shouldn’t be an obstacle for you.

Swift as a Whip: lvl 24

Active II

To be able to adapt to the pace indicated by the whip in the hands of the master, your speed will increase, and it will increase by 22%(20%) → 33%(30%). However, it is at the expense of your endurance.

II - The speed of the tip of the whip may be out of reach for you, but as long as your body and endurance allow, you can double your speed. Although a slave's body has its limits, and you will have to face the consequences of exceeding them.

Master's Lover: lvl 6

Passive I

You are someone who represents your master, and you should look accordingly. Your appearance adapts to his preferences. (You don't have a master right now, the look will adapt to your preferences). Appearance adjustment 1%

Charm + 5%

Master's Shield: lvl 18

Active II

It is your duty to protect your master, since your master is what matters. Yet, in some situations, it is simply impossible to protect your master with your body alone. This is what a shield you can create around you or your master is for. The amount of mana required to create a shield depends on the distance you create the shield from you or your master, its size, and strength, its stability then on how well you hold your ground.

II - Yet, despite your best efforts, the strength of your shield may not be enough to protect your master. That's not something you can allow, even at the cost of your own well-being.

10% of the damage done to the shield can be transferred to your own body.

Class skills (Not selected):

Lover of Work: lvl 9

Passive I

You are no stranger to work, on the contrary, you are so close to it that you can call it a friend. Your constitution is increased by 11%(10%) and strength by 16%(15%).

Faint Presence: lvl ?

No description. WIP

Master’s Toy: lvl ?

No description. WIP

Silent Suffering: lvl ?

No description. WIP

Odorless Odor: lvl ?

No description. WIP

Made for Torture: lvl ?

Pasive I

Your body must bend as the master desires. The flexibility of your body is increased by 15%

General skills (8/8):

Eleaden Standard Language: lvl 4

Passive I

Speech and writing are one of the basic forms of communication. It's a way to share your thoughts with others. However, not everyone speaks the same language, but Eleaden Standard is the most common among them. You have mastered this basic form of communication.

Perfect Equilibrium: lvl 19

Passive II

Even with extra limbs, you have the potential to achieve the perfect balance, perfect coordination of the body in space. You can say goodbye to unwanted falls as you can twist like a tumbler, move like a dancer, or land with the grace of a cat.

II - Achieving perfection is not easy, and body coordination alone is not enough. The world around you is constantly in motion, shifting. You need to react to these changes in time.

Your reaction speed is increased by 10%.

Spatial Domain: lvl 20

Passive II

You are the mistress of the surrounding space, and nothing in your domain will escape your attention. The space you can consider your own reaches 2m → 3m from your body, and as you grow stronger, your reach will grow too.

II - You may be a master in your domain, but the dull space outside of it has been out of your reach so far. That plain colorless world has gained more shades to it, and you can now perceive it more clearly within a range of 6m.

Beast: lvl 29

Passive II

Humans can say what they want, but there is a bit of a beast in each of them. Yet, there is more beast in you than is typical of humans. Why not accept it and admit that you are stronger than a purebred human because of it? Strength and constitution increased by 55%(50%) → 77%(70%)

II - Acceptance is one thing, but letting out the beast within you another. As you have learned, it is not so easy to control your instincts in that state, but do it, and your strength and constitution will increase by up to 22%(20%)

Never-Dying: lvl 39

Passive II

Dying is not good for your health. Although you died several times, always coming back to life. The regeneration of your body is exceptional, and even death does not mean the end of the road for you. As long as the brain is not damaged, you can find a new way to die later.

II - To avoid further death, the regeneration of your body is further enhanced by 82%(50%->75%) and the constitution by 22%(10%->20%)

III - In some situations, it may matter how quickly you can get back on your feet. There’s nothing easier than boosting regeneration with a little bit of mana.

Tail of Poison Empress: lvl 12

Active II

Death awaits everyone, but for some, it comes earlier in the form of poison. Your tail is your natural weapon excreting deadly poisonous gas. Blazing orange and with the smell of apples, this poison does not escape attention. However, this may change as more experience is gained.

II - Naturally, the more experience/levels you gain, the stronger, more effective, and faster acting your poison will be. But more is always better, especially if it's at a lower cost.

Amount of poison produced increased by 10%

Amount of mana required to create a unit of poison reduced by 10%

Heart of Magic: lvl 9

Passive I

You are a magical creature. Mana is an integral part of you, flowing through your veins. You can't survive without mana, but your intelligence and wisdom are 75% greater.

Inner Perception: lvl 12

Passive II

As important as seeing what’s going on around you, it is no less essential to see what’s going on inside you, to know your own body and how it works. You can distinguish bones, muscles, fat, and organs, see their shape, arrangement, and damage.

II - You are no stranger to the inner workings of your body. It’s time to look deeper, to reveal the inner workings of your organs, to see where all those veins actually lead.



Sorry about some of the broken formatting. I was posting this on my old laptop and it doesn't work well with Patreon for some reason. I'll fix it as soon as I can, or rather when I'm back at my PC.


Painless agony doesn't really make sense here: With each level gained, you feel 1% less pain. Agony pain lessened by: 10% If each level grants 1%, shouldn't it be at 25%?


Yeah, that doesn't make any sense, and it totally should be 25%. Damn, I suck at proofreading my text. Thanks for doing that instead of me.