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Hey everyone,
It's been an eventful week for me, with some PC problems that have since been resolved. That is why the beta patches didn't come out as regularly this time around, and I had to redo some of them until last weekend, which meant I had to halt the work on v0.6.0 a little bit.
And also, oh yeah, this weekend my wife and I are finally having our wedding celebration because in 2020, when we got married, we couldn't invite anyone during Covid and... well, I didn't expect to have to do so much for that, but yeah, it's actually a looot of work. So I'll have to push the next release back by about two weeks, which should be mid-July.

However, I'm already ready to tell you what the content of this upcoming patch will be because I've been working toward this for years now. The first graphics for it were already done during the v0.3.x patch cycle, and the story has been leading up to this for about the same time.

Yes, it's finally time to introduce the true ending of the game. Well, not quite... it's complicated. You'll understand what I mean once the new patch comes out, I promise. And here the problem with this progress report is revealed - I don't want to spoil the story too much, which makes this list a bit short. Anyways, here we go.

The Alliance Main Quest

There's one major content for this patch - completing the Ally route's main quest. That means the contestants will be ready to confront the main evil - Erica. I don't want to say much more than that because I'm hoping it will lead to an awesome story twist. What has Hulk Katelyn to do with this? Well... Spoilers. :D Sorry.

So the main quest on the Ally route will be completed this patch. That does not mean there won't be more dialogs on the route later though. Specifically, more dates with the other contestants will be added over time. But I felt like it was time to set the story foundations first.

Setting Facial Features on the Alliance Branch

People have been asking for a way to force facial features for a while, and this will be introduced through the ally force stats system. Last patch, we introduced the body transformation features, and this time you can fix all the facial features in place on your character. This also introduces some new special graphics.

The True Ending, Part 1

I already said that the true ending will not be finished in this patch, but I also said that the Alliance Quest will be finished and that the true ending is triggered through the end of the Alliance Quest. So... it's not exactly the same as other endings in many ways... what else to say without spoilers? I'm just going to leave this very spoilery image here and hopefully that'll get you excited to find out more when the patch goes live.

I can't wait for you all to finally see the new content in the game, and I'm sorry for not being able to show more. I hope this little sneak peek gives you enough to speculate widly though. However, that's not all the new content you'll get in the coming weeks.

Femdemic Launch & Side Stories

I know I've been saying that Femdemic is coming to Steam for a long time now, but I finally have a date... that I'm still not supposed to share. Anticlimactic, I know.
But something that I can share is the fact that I've formed partnerships with lots of cool artists to post side stories for the launch of the game from written stories and captions to comics. There's a ton of content coming that will be posted for free during the launch week, but there are some things that we'll share with our Patreon audiences a little ahead of time. So starting next week, you'll start seeing those side stories pop up on Patreon.

Hope you're as excited about the next few weeks as I am.




I love the aesthetic, it feel a lot like the upside down


Fingers crossed we get the next end-of-week show in the patch following this one then


They‘ll come but the reception to the last few hasn‘t been super great so I‘m reiterating on the idea in the meantime. I also just think there are other things that are more important. And more exciting.


Femdemic actually has a run ending bug, I've found. If you have a high gain rate on a category and don't run the game for a few months then when you come back and open that category the game crashes. some sort of overflow error. You might want to install a hard cap.


did you download the latest version? this has been adressed like last week.


Nice and thanks for your work! I'm still continue to have a problem about the body modifications in the roon at night with himari and abigail. I followed your advise and collected all the items available in the legacy plan, I have 54 points there, but I can't understand what is missing to advance with the allies quest :/ . Could I have a bug?


i think the overdose skin from abigail path il locked or blocked it's correct?


Mh really dunno i've try all possible combination of petri, but i can obtain all rash too eccept the exhibition overdose. There is a particular combination for it ? Becouse i've relally try evrithing xD thnx


My game is corrupted, after an crash ingame, I only have room for 2 saves and the rest of the saves are gone. Even reinstalling the game doesn't fix this. I thought about deleting the save folder of the game but... ... I don't know where it is located. xD Could you provide me with the location of the game saves? I hope that deleting said folder and redoing it again, this can fix the problem.


Wow. First time I heard of something like that happening in over two years of development. The saves are in the windows user APPDATA folder LocalLow/Rel_Pink/BMO_TV


The weird thing is that the save files were there. But the game couldn't read them. Anyway, the problem has been fixed by deleting the folder and reinstalling the game. Sad, because I lost progress :_; Thx for help me. ^^