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Hey everyone,
I told you I'd be back with a special something today and here it is.

"The BMO Files" is a digital trading card game, that offers another look behind the scenes of the giant BMO Corporation. It's a prequel story to BMO TV, that makes you explore the time when June Tesla became CEO of the company.

Fight against your fellow community members in this new fresh take on card games.

Get your links at https://rel.pink/ (Scroll down)

Please be aware that this first early Alpha release is so early, that there are a lot of glaring issues. It also doesn't contain the character builder yet. Of course, that'll be added at some point. Also, the art is all still AI generated as a placeholder. However, I felt like to continue with development, I needed to see how it works in the community, get feedback from actual players, and see if the server will even keep working after a day. Such is the deal with multiplayer games, which is also why I'm opening it up to both the Beta and Alpha tier right away.

This is about testing the server, the game loop and the cards. For now, it contains a tutorial against a very CPU-intensive and still dumb AI, that somestimes takes a minute to calculate the best move, and the multiplayer mode, where you can play against people, who you know play the game right now. There's no matchmaking at this stage, so just come join the Discord server and exchange your Player IDs.

The plan is to keep the server running at least for this weekend, and then see if we can keep it on for a while or if we need to only enable it for example during weekends as long as the game is in development. This is all new for me, so please bare with me. And also please forgive the roughness of the game. This is as Alpha as it gets, but I hope you'll still want to try it out.

Same as with Femdemic, I also want to make sure that you understand that this is just a side project, at least for now. BMO TV is still my main focus, and will stay so for a while. Read the post below to see the new features coming to BMO TV very soon.



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