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Hey everyone,
I hope you're already enjoying the Christmas Calendar Unlocks, but today I bring you a fresh new patch with a whole new transformation branch.
The new Kitty branch is the last remaining one in the Katelyn cleaning quest sphere, and hopefully will please the furry lovers under you.

Get your download here: https://rel.pink/bmotv/ 

As always, please keep your Alpha build up to date, if the game tells you there is a new version in the main menu. There will be quite a lot of bugfix updates over the next week. Also, not all features made it into the initial Alpha release this time around because my move into a new apartment sent my abiltiy to work into a bit of chaos. I promise to send those out later next week. I'm also still missing a few graphics that I can't really control when they'll be in.

Anyways, I hope you'll have fun with this all new patch.
I'll be back with the beta release around the middle of the month.




Any idea when the walk-through will be updated?


Is there graphic for paw hands? After transformation text, hands haven't changed. Also there is a bug with feet paws. Whenever you wear heels and than remove - paws turns back to feets.


There should be a message about that when the tf happens. Still in development.