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Hello everyone,

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas morning. In Germany we actually wish each other a „contemplative“/„tranquil“ Christmas. (Ein besinnliches Fest.) But in reality I have a lot of stressful travelling behind and ahead of me. It is not getting less stressful because of the fact that it was also my mother’s birthday yesterday. The trip is cut short this year though because there’s a covid case in my wife’s family so we are only visiting mine this time.

Anyways, I wanted to remind you that right now everybody can open all clothing packages from the advent calendar, including the sparkling ones on the beta version.

I hope you all enjoyed this festive interlude to the patch cycle, because I had a lot of fun doing it. Tomorrow we will also start the monthly clothing competition on Discord, where all $10 and above Patrons are able to post a piece of clothing and then everybody can vote on which one makes it into the game. So get on the Discord server if you are not there yet. You’ll also get almost daily progress reports from me.

Because of the shorter trip this year I’ll be back to work tomorrow already.

Have a happy Holiday,



Garfield Cat

Merry Christmas, Rel!


Ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest! Ich wünsche Euch beste Gesundhei. =)