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So... the new Alpha is now downloadable on Discord. If you are on the tier that allows access, connect your Discord on Patreon and you'll automatically get the correct role on the server.

There has been a slight change of plan that I'd like to tell you about though. I felt like the gynoid branch had a bit more potential than what I had written, so while there is some gynoid content in this release, I did deactivate some of it that I wasn't happy with.
There's still a ton of new things in this build though, the almost 200 shoes just being one of those. You can read up on all of the changes in the posts below.

All in all, this will just add quality to the gynoid branch. I want to try to write a cool extensive storyline for it.

But I'm planning to concentrate on bugfixing the other new mechanics in the next couple of days and then releasing v0.4.1 to the Beta tier in about 2 weeks.
After that I'll focus on the finalization of the gynoid branch for v0.4.2.
I do have a very special christmas surprise for v0.4.2 in store for you, so that'll definitely be released on December 1st.

Anyways... let's get to bugfixing.




That sounds like a wise decision, to me. I look forward to seeing the more developed gynoid idea in due course.


Is the only way to down load the new version to use Discord? I haven't used it much before.. (>_>)


Yes alpha stand-alone download is only through discord. Or you can play the web version. www.rel.pink


Where do I get the stamps? I've looked everywhere I can, but I can't find the stamps