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As promised, here's the huge overview of new content and other changes coming to v0.4.1 this week. I'm aiming for a release of the first Alpha version this weekend. It won't contain all content on the gynoid branch yet, but it'll still be a big bunch of new things. Here we go:

1. Gynoid Branch

The main new content in this patch is the gynoid branch. v0.4.0 already contained a temporary bad end for the content, but I'm currently working on a whole storyline with slow body tfs. You can choose to enter this branch and get a chip entered into your brain, that'll not only slowly tf you, but you can also slowly give control to it if you so wish.

2. New Clothing Category: Shoes

By far the biggest non-story addition this update is the addition of shoes as a clothing category. It comes with almost !200! new items that you can buy - 198 to be precise. There are tons of different styles, colors and heel heights available to make sure you'll be able to customize your character to the fullest extend.

As you know, the lower parts of the main character graphics weren't really visible at all. The default character view is still the way I think the game should be played, but there is a button in the corner of the screen now, with which you can toggle the character view to show the full body.

There are flat and heeled shoes of course and we don't want to only see those heels from the front - the heels would be all hidden. So, we added a second leg position to the character art. That actually included a lot of redrawing of older clothes, but it is here and switches seemlessly when choosing flat or heeled shoes in the wardrobe.

3. High Heels Walking Training

Of course, nobody is good at walking in heels from the beginning. So I added a system that'll let you slowly increase your ability to wear them over time. The more you walk around, the more you'll get used to them. However, there's always a risk at tripping over in shoes you're not comfortable in. 

4. New TF: Tendons 

We also have a completely new TF category - tendon shortening. The shorter they are, the more difficult it is to walk on lower heels. However, that does not mean you'll be comfortable immediately, you'll just have to wear the higher ones. So you better get training, if you don't want to fall over.

5. New UI/UX: Bedroom Mirror

Over the last few months I got a lot of feedback on the overall UI, the amount of stats and the clarity of the game to new players. So, I've decided to do a little experiment and for this version I cleaned up the basic UI that's on screen all the time. Instead of showing all your stats at all times, you can now get a list of stats at the mirror. And that list will also include a lot of stats that were previously unreadable. So... more information. But... less information to overwhelm a new player... maybe? We'll see how it goes. I may change it again at some point, but I want to try this now.

6. New Tooltips: Stats Clarity

Another factor for game clarity is the question: "What should I wear today?". Now, as you all know, that is a difficult question to answer in this game and the amount of stats does not help at all.
However, I have come up with a new way of highlighting that your mood will be affected if you wear a certain clothing item. The background of the item will be green, red or yellow. Also, if you hover the item, the tooltip now includes handy information on why a certain item is usable or not.

7. New Gym Graphics

Yesterday, I already posted the new gym graphics, but today I have the animated version that's already fully implemented ready for you. We have a nice new light show in the gym - a gorgeous new home for Katelyn.

8. New Himari Character Graphics

Finally, Himari is as good-looking as the rest of the game. Her new graphics are now implemented both for the standind, as well as the pool pose.

This also means that she'll now be attackable by TF category, and the graphics will represent the TF you chose.

9. New Abigail Graphics in Hobbyroom

Abigail is now also in a new pose in the Hobbyroom. This is really just a cosmetic change, but the characters need to fit into the scenes at all times, right?

10. Saveslot Expansion

I got a lot of feedback that you wanted more saveslots, so I added a few. We now have a thousand save slots ready for you to hopefully never having to ask me about this ever again. ;)

11. New Difficulty Adjustment

And last but not least, I added a new difficulty adjustment setting. With it you'll be able to lower the cost of Anti-TF items in the vending machine. This will help people who are not into the player tf as well as people who don't like certain tfs.

So.. what do you think? I hope you are happy with the amount of changes that are coming to the v0.4.1 Alpha this week. Again, the writing for the gynoid branch is not done yet and probably won't be when I release the first Alpha, but I think we have enough content for everyone to enjoy a new version soon.




these all sound amazing keep up the fantastic work


Awesome additions, thanks for the hard work <3

Linus Larsen

you have fucking make them better and better update! i love in that really!! <3 <3 <3!