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New month, new suggestion box!

In here, you can suggest any idea you might have for a drawing you'd like me to make in the future :> Feel free to go in as much detail as you like, or just plant a small idea and I can elaborate on it if I like it~ Anything goes, my characters/franchise characters, backgrounds and situations, just make sure it's in line with my ToS!


Kelvin Frost

Dimik-ei from Elder Scrolls Online! She is Sharp-As-Nights sister and she is soooo sweet~


Lovander’s night of debauchery


Two Digimon ladies alluringly showing themselves off to the viewer, intending to make some eggs/digitama with them :3 My suggestion for that: Female Flamedramon and Renamon


Probably best to leave this in the pin-up suggestion box! (I know you already did, but still)


Lop from Star Wars.