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A very Happy New Year to all of you! :> I hope you're all having a wonderful time with friends and family, and that the last day of 2023 is treating you very well~

Before the first day of 2024 rolls around on us, I wanted to share some final thoughts on 2023 and talk a little bit about how I hope the new year will shape us over here on Patreon land!

First of all, a huge thank you to all of you for the incredible support throughout 2023 <3 This was the first full year as a full-time content creator for me, and it wouldn't have been possible without everyone who has supported with pledges or buying commissions :> I might sound like a broken record at this point, but the chance to have my dream job, I owe it all to you, and I'll always be grateful and it'll never be lost on me <3

On the practical side, 2023 has seen the implementation of monthly pin-up polls, and I feel it's gone down pretty well! Some of my favourite pieces have stemmed from them, and it's nice to have a recurring little event for the month, so monthly pin-ups are definitely here to stay~ Of course, nothing is perfect, and if you'd like to share your feedback, feel free to do so in the comments!

While monthly pin-ups are in a pretty good state, there are definitely a couple other perks that could use some work (take this with a big grain of salt, since it's just my current thought process and no plans have been made). While the pin-up character suggestion box does its job well enough, I feel like the monthly suggestion box are currently a little weak and I'll be thinking of ways to rework it or possibly even replace it with something else. For this aswell, feedback is very welcome and well accepted!

Let's talk 2024! I'm very happy to announce that I've started pre-production of my very first comic! I don't have a solid timetable to give you all just yet, but I'll settle on a very conservative "I'd like to have it going within the year"~ Either way, you can expect to start seeing characters relatively soon! I haven't thought of the specific details, but there definitely might be some related comic perks being added once production starts!

Regarding other possible new features I've mentioned before, here's where I'm at with those:

  • Discord - The number one new feature I'd like to implement this year, I'd really like to give the community a way to interract more regularly. I'm a little weak on the organization side and end up pouring more thought into work than implementing new things (change is scary ;w;), so I apologize if there hasn't been any progress on this side since the start of 2023. That being said, I feel more comfortable starting to plan for it within the year, and if anyone has experience/would be comfortable moderating, let's talk about it!
  • Animation - More animations! I'll make a real effort to stop being scared and make more this year~
  • Streams - Would possibly be an immediate new addition with Discord, but I have a little experience with streaming and I'm giving for granted that streaming on Discord would be possible/the best solution. Would probably need some experimentation!
  • New tier above Huuuge Booba - No immediate plans for this one yet, I'd like to learn Spine to animate my drawings and have extra time to offer something worthwhile before doing anything of the sort.

All in all, so many things I'd like to do, but I'd also like to keep some time to still be able to make some personal drawings just for fun, filling my schedule down with too much stuff to the point it gets overwhelming would be disastrous! Production of the comic is my current #1 priority for new stuff, I'll have to adapt to how it affect my workload and see how it goes~

Thank you all for bearing with me, I realize this Patreon is by no means perfect, but I hope you all get something worthwhile and that you enjoy out of it :>
Wall of text done, have a wonderful New Years and beginning of 2024~!


Kelvin Frost

Sounds like you have your goals all figured out for the new year! I'm so excited to see what you make for a comic!