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Hey everyone, now that I finished everything, I'll be taking a holiday break starting tomorrow~
I'll be away on vacation from tomorrow until the 27th, so expect replies to be a little more sporadic than usual! I made a little something ahead of time to celebrate Christmas, so you can still expect some fun stuff while I'm away :>

After I come back, I'll take another week off to enjoy some r&r at home, so communication will go back to normal but I'll still be on break until 2024! I already prepared some extra stuff for then, and I'll probably get bored and sketch some more, so I don't expect to be gone completely hehe~

You can expect things to be back to normal around the 3rd of January, when I'll be closing commissions! I'll be leaving the form link here a little earlier, so I don't have to keep track of that while away (It'll be a pain to post stuff with just a cell, I don't look forward to it haha)~

A note for newcommers, I won't be able to make new links to art packs while I'm out of the house, so if you need one, you'll have to wait until the 27th! I apologize for the inconvenience :<

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! <3


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