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Hey everyone! I wanted to give a little update ahead of December to let you know what I'll be doing, since it's always kind of a special month~

Long story short, I'll be taking the last couple of weeks of December to go on vacation and have some r&r ahead of 2024~ It's been a long time since I've had a real vacation
I'll be away for a week around Christmas, while the few days towards New Years I'll just be home taking some time off~ Until about halfway through December, it'll be business as usual, so you can expect all the usual drawings!

Like last year, I don't expect to be gone completely, I'll probably get bored doing nothing and will wanna at least sketch something, much like last time hehe~ The week I'll be away I'll have no tablet nor pc with me, so it'll probably be the slowest of the month! But I'll try to keep up with correspondance and check-in on the page daily~

I'll be taking less commissions than usual to be done with all my duties by the middle of the month, after that, I'll be enjoying the holidays with family and friends :> The month will be lighter than usual, but I hope you understand the circumstances~ And I hope you too will have a wonderful holiday season!

Until then, there's so much still to finish before the end of November, so expect a lot of drawings in the next few days!

That's about it :> Thank you in advance for your patience and support~


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