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Hey everyone~ Forgive this little paragraph, I need to vent a bit of anxiety after seeing the Twitter situation that is developing; it's been a long day, thinking about it and following the situation.

First of all, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every single pledge, big or small, long or short. For the help you provide me every month and every day. Now more than ever, you are the reason I am able to do this full time, and you give me a bit more peace of mind, that I might survive this one yet.
I haven't yet written my monthly private thanks, so I wanted to thank you not only for last month, but for every month you've stuck around to support my silly doodles. 

Twitter seems to be determined to shove us into a locker, and it's a scary thought. I don't know if it'll pass by, but at the moment, my anxiety levels are off the roof. Not knowing if there's a solution, or if such a big platform's just not gonna be an option to try and make a living. It's scary.
My only hope is to make it through this by still being able to work full time on my drawings, anything will do.

Thank you for bearing with me through this little rambling, I'll do my best to work through the anxiety and continue as close to normal as possible. You might see another little update if I decide to make a couple new pages on a couple platforms I'm not on yet, but I'm not sure yet. 

Again, thank you for your help, you are my rock in this situation <3



I sorry to hear that, i hope that you find some of peace of mind during this hard time


It's honestly uncertain. I've now heard that the wipe of nsfw content from the 'for you' tab has been fixed, which would be a relief if true. Secondly, there's the whole "Elon will ban porn on Twitter come November 2nd" or something. Some say it's a translation error, while others say it's true. I can only hope that whatever happens, it doesn't affect you like a truck slamming into you, and I'll do my best to continue supporting you throughout. *hugs*


I didn't know about that rumor. That would be disastrous, I hope it doesn't come to pass. Whatever happens, thank you for your continued support!