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Thinking on how to milf Cynder up, I couldn't help but think about her corrupted version 👀 So, in a timeline where evil Cynder won...

(The base version might change between WIPs, as it often goes with these pin-ups with a tons of alts!)



Kelvin Frost

Still lovely as ever <3


My favourite version of Cynder (at least in nsfw terms) dark beautiful evil naughty seductive and sexy rolled into one package


Oh my what a lovely queen~


Milfing her up sounds like a super good idea x3 maybe some color alts with normal (good) Cynder as well? owo"


I considered it, but I feel like good Cynder would need a whole different head with softer, more gentle angles, less villainous traits, you know? It'd be a pretty big time commitment compared to other alts, so I decided to go with other stuff instead :< Also, the whole vibe and situation of the drawing wouldn't fit good Cynder very well, I don't think


Ah that's fair :3 I'm sure you will make some great alts for it nontehless x3