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Hey everyone~ Now that March has wrapped up, I think it's a good idea for me to take it easier for a few days and recharge the batteries. Since the last update, I managed to barely scrape by and finish everything I wanted done by the end of the month, but fatigue and burnout have only piled up further, making last week especially taxing :<
So in the interest of not burning out completely, I'll take a few days off and center myself again. I doubt I'll be completely off, there's still so much stuff I wanna draw for fun that I'm excited for, but content will be a bit sporadic for the next few days, a week tops.
As well as the occasional WIP, you can still expect the usual monthly things like the monthly pin-up poll and suggestion boxes to roll out as normal this week~ Things will be back to their regular cadence fairly soon :>
Thank you all for your continued support as always, and for bearing with me once again



Maybe take less commission for this month; you did a lot more then I seen you do and all the alts would take a toll on you. But I'm just one dude.


That's good I personally didn't ask for one due to the burden you seemed to have.