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Hi everyone! Let's talk really quickly about December, since it's gonna be a little different and I wanna be super transparent~

With the holidays, I'll be taking a bit of a longer break than usual, a couple of weeks from around the halfway point of the month. November has been very taxing on my mental and physical health, and I've arrived to the point where one week alone wouldn't quite be enough :< I feel like having one week out of the house, of absolutely no drawing and just recharging the batteries, will do a lot of good in the long run~ That being said, I'll be travelling only a week out of two, so I don't wanna completely rule out drawing something simple or fun if I feel like doing it~ But while I'm away, there won't be much going on here, unfortunately :< Bear with me

For the first half of the month, it's business as usual! My aim is to do 2-3 commissions, 1 pic with alts and 1 extra thing if possible, before I go on vacation~

Thank you for taking the time to read, bear with me for a little while in December~ I appreciate you and everything you do for me!



it's better to relax then to get burned out. Being a victim of burn out it's not nice.

Kelvin Frost

I hope you have the awesomest vacation ever Lyo~ Enjoy every moment of fun! You deserve it &lt;3


definitely, you deserve some time of, man


Take the break you’ve earned some down time


No problem Lyo, everyone needs a break from time to time and you did an incredibly big workload the past year and especially in November owo Sounds like a good plan and I hope you will get to relax alot on your break, travel and vacation x3