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Hey guys, sorry for the couple of days of no content, I currently have labyrinthitis and am stuck in bed :< I feel better already so I'll try to get back to drawing tomorrow! 

I just wanted to write this as a heads up as it might affect the last few pics of the month, I have two commissions to close and the Edgerunners pic, there's a chance the latter might be moved to next month's content, depending on how I feel and how much energy I have to finish everything! I still wanna make it look good and make alts, I'd rather not rush it~

Thank you for bearing with me, last week has definitely been challenging!


Silver Sil'Yasdra

hope you're feeling better real soon take all the time off you need of course be lazy ^^


Hope you feel better soon and take as much time as you need to recovery. We'll be here rooting for ya

Kelvin Frost (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 09:56:29 I wish you good health Lyo &lt;3
2022-09-24 16:40:53 I wish you good health Lyo <3

I wish you good health Lyo <3


Oh no ;w; sorry to hear you're sick again! Better recover first and get to full power again before stressing yourself. I don't think we have problems with having some pictures moved to next month :3 You don't really have influence over how fast your body recovers owo In any case, hope you get well soon Lyo x3


Thank you~ I haven't been sick in a bit, last month was just a small vacation, but it is the same thing from a few months ago .n. But thank you, I'll try my best not to push too hard~