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There's a new Pokegirl in town! I've wanted to design a Swampert girl for a long time, but I've finally managed to sit down and do it and oh am I happy I did! :>>> 

At this point, I absolutely want to colour and shade her, but I have some other stuff to finish and I was too excited to wait, so I'll leave this black and white version in the meantime, aswell as its 4k version and psd file~

I hope you like her just as much as I do, I'm super happy! :>>> She doesn't have a name yet, so feel free to suggest one in the comments! :>




Aw she's cute. Her and Hanako must be best friends. Or rivals. Maybe Erena meaning "water route" in Japanese


Haven't decided quite yet, I'm ping-ponging between the two :3 Oooh I like it!


She looks adorable :3 Name... hmm... something with M perhaps... Mariya maybe? owo