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Wear headphones for best immersive experience



This was kinda cute. Edit: I think a stream where you make essential oils would be a really cool stream, id love to see that. And communal sleeping was pretty normal across the world until maybe a century or two ago. The only people who could sleep in their own room in their own bed were very wealthy people.


Ahh this was cute !! Idk this is kinda weird but I love hearing people eep not in a creepy way it’s just so calming to me to hear someone sleep it’s cute & I tend to fall asleep to hearing people eep Sleep aid yes yes yes & yes ✨ I think you should stream that I would love to see that would be cool to watch !!!


Yay a sleep aid I’ll listen tonight. I see from the other comments essential oils were mentioned again, fun fact on orange YouTube It’s listed as Jess’s hobby. For the love of Cthulhu/God, essential oils stream when?

Sonia Cabrera

This is super cute. I loved it! Your little snoring is adorable


sleep aids are so soothing~ and i'd love to hear more about your essential oils haha


I love the intimacy of it all. 💜 it was really soothing~ I want to see you make essential oils!! That would be so cuuuute and fun! I have literally never slept alone my whole life lmao I always shared a room with my siblings or a roommate too. I love asmr and like it helps me sleep so I’m down to listen to you sleep 🫣🤣🤣 definitely think it’s similar to asmr. I think the rambling audios you make are definitely my absolute favorite. Again, just in awe of you.

Iris Antone

I always try matching the other person's breathing when listening to sleep aids so I can rest easy so thank you so much for this!!☺️


lovely and honest, ty for sharing 💕 Also put ur shit on silent silly baby lol


You have an amazing voice


please please please please please do more sleep aid!!!! i usually have so much trouble falling asleep but it is so lovely to be comforted by your voice and breathing and just talking about anything and everything


I need more of this. I could sleep with you every night!! 😴