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Hey guys! On November 21st, it will officially be half a year since my very first audio post! I've had so many fun milestones since then! I even got to be a founding voice for the new Erotic Audio platform OhCleo.

I just wanted to write down all my thoughts so I can reflect on this in a year, and I just wanted to thank you so much for supporting my content, genuinely.

I used to be really worried about my gender identity and sexuality getting in the way of my content, but almost 6 months later I can confidently say to myself, and anyone out there who has that nagging thought in the back of their head that their sexuality or their gender identity is a hinderance to growing as an NSFW VA or content creator, that you're wrong. Shut up and stop telling yourself that.

Okay well you're not totally wrong...

- M speakers get downvoted (a lot) because at the end of the day, Reddit is a male dominated platform. (I even used to ONLY post M4M on GWAG because when I was new, I could never get noticed due to downvoting)

- NB doesn't get clicks (hehe... not for long... I have plans for No-Nut-Non-binary hehe...)

- Some people, including cough companies cough will even reject/rescind offers or partnerships because your content is "too queer" or doesn't "cater to our intended audience" or will only consider you if you choose a gender to cater to.

- Being outspoken about problems I notice as a queer poc VA has alienated me from a lot of other creators

- People have reported me for reclaiming the F-slur in some of my M4M audios... because I'm apparently not gay enough to reclaim it?

But when push comes to shove, I believe you will find the audience your voice was intended to reach. Just keep screaming into the void until they hear you, because someone out there is waiting for it.

In the early days of my Patreon I had a lot of people noting that they disliked the fact that I posted content for multiple genders... I would spiral trying to figure out how to appeal to everyone or worry that my post for F was hotter than M and yadayadayada I would worry that my moan was too much or my ideas were too wild or whatever.

And yes, people like that will always exist. People will always have a preference, people will always have their biases, people will always walk away from me because I am this or that, I am too much of X or not enough of Y, too straight or too gay, too masc or too fem... there will always be someone that isn't your audience.

What I've learned over this half year is that I need to stop worrying about anyone who isn't my audience. I need to stop worrying about being too masculine when I make a M4M bottoming audio, or being too expressive when I make an M4F MSub audio, or throwing good ideas out the window because I think "it wont be popular"

All the audios that have blown up past 1k are the ones where I'm either being myself or actively expressing my bisexuality or its an unhinged idea I had at 2am and spontaneously wrote the script out without stopping to wonder if it was crowd pleasing, I just had fun and rolled with it.

So... TLDR; what I mean to say is thank you for being my audience! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping more people see my content with your upvotes, cheering me up with your comments, keeping me alive and fed with your patronage, bouncing audio ideas off one another during my livestreams, and for spending all that time listening to my stories. It's strange how much of a validating experience it can be to put my unfiltered ideas out there, or how affirming it is to be able to post about getting my lungs destroyed by a woman's skull crushing thighs and then the next day post about how much I love the clap of another mans balls against my tummy. Peak bisexuality.

It's hard to fully express what a relief that is! As someone who's work depends on appealing to as many people as possible, it's difficult to explain how terrifying being yourself is or refusing to play safe by venturing past what people consider "normal". Being yourself, your true unfiltered honest self is like a death sentence to content creators, streamers, etc. I am blessed enough to have found people who like me as I am, and that's something to be proud of and grateful for.

I can't discuss much of what I'm working on, but I promise this little devil is going to take over the world soon. Love ya! (Platonically)

Thank you for being a patron, lending me your ear, and helping me chase my silly little wish to become a VSinger hehe~


Pity Party Productions

I'm literally here because I love the bisexual content you're a talented creator and writer


awww u so sweet,To be honest, as a native speaker who is not English, I always think that your audio quality is very good. Of course, your voice is very lovely! I will always support you ~加油~


I'm a rather new patron but I gotta say, part of what I love about your work is that you cater to multiple genders. I'm genderfluid/polygender and I love that no matter how I'm feeling I can listen to your content :)


As a queer person, we need more queer VA and the fact that you cater to so many things and people really made me want to support you fully!


I adore the fact that no matter what kind of mood I'm in, you just seem to have something on here. So people criticising that part, really just limit themselves.... Sub/Dom, rough/sweet, M/F - it's all there, it's all great. Also I always have the choice just not to listen to something that doesn't get to me - somehow people tend to forget that. Point is: I like it the most when I get to feel like you're authentically feeling great about what you're doing. ❤️

Raven Blackholme

As a gender-fluid and overall pretty fluid person I love the fact your content has such a range to it. The folks complaining about that are really just missing out. Especially considering how wickedly talented you are.