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Script fill for sunbirdnova found here

"Keep moving your hips just like that. Fuck, baby. Your hips move like they were made just for meMaybe they were, right? Maybe they were made for me. Made to move your hips just like that— for you to hump me just like you’re doing right now…Uh-huh, They’re too good— you’re too good at making me feel fucking amazing."

Recently, your roommate noticed a change in your behavior. Usually your mood is lighter, but lately it took a turn. Your usual routines are too tiring to do– even getting your nightly snack before bed. Your sweet roommate wants to make you feel better. He hates seeing you like this, so late at night when he notices you’re still awake, he decides to deliver your favorite snack to make your mood just a tad bit brighter. Little do you know, the fruits aren’t the only thing you’ll be enjoying tonight.

Downloadable / Early Access



Sweet:) I enjoyed the rumbly deep voice moments. And as always, the sound effects were very well done.


Please 🥺 do more like this one 💜💜💜