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➡️ Next battle will be Kiriko vs Dva 😊

Widowmaker 18

Mercy 8

Ashe 31

Brigitte 28

Tracer 13

Ana 13

Sombra 24

Mei 23

Dva 43

Symmetra 2

Pharah 1 (I voted Pharah 😢)

Kiriko 137

Zarva 5



How long do u think u'll take to finish it? No pressure


I have one edit to finish, this one should be done in a very worst case scenario Sunday 🤔 I already have the song/animations for the Fuck Battle and it should be done next week, maybe the next Sunday. I also work on Fap Heroes, that's why HMVs are taking more time than usual. Maybe I should finish my HMV projects first? 🤔


Sounds like U have a lot to do. Not personally that big of a fan of fap heroes so would find it more exciting if the hmvs would be finished first but that's just what I think. Good luck with those projects👍