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A lot of polls this week 😳

I usually take simple requests when people want me to do an edit for a theme or character but I start to have more and more people asking if I take commissions or not. I only did on in the past with DemonAnii.

So maybe I should start officially to take commissions? πŸ€”

I don't know how much I should charge that's why I create this poll.

I will give you some information about my workflow so you can judge.

  • Trying to find the right animations for a song can take up to 2 days so let's say 8 hours * 2 = 16 hours.
  • Sync to the beat can take up to 6 hours (some adjustments are required).
  • Adding effects usually take one day so let's say 8 hours.
  • I'm not going to count enhancement since I'm watching anime on my phone when it's upscaling 😳
  • Adding SFX, or trying to fit the right moans in some scene to add some spice can take up to 2 days (it's the hardest part, I'm not even sure it's worth it but I like when it's close to perfection): 16 hours.

A total of 46 hours of work for a ~3 minutes edit.

I know I'm a little bit slow with this process but I like the final result πŸ€”

I get paid 10€ per hour working IRL but a commission of 460€ sounds crazy πŸ˜‚

I researched the video editor's hourly rate and it's 25$ per hour for a beginner but 1150$ sounds even crazier πŸ˜‚

(I'm sure I would be rich by now if someone paid me all the hours worked πŸ˜‚)

The question is: How much should I charge or how much would you pay for a 3 minutes edit? πŸ€”



I would suggest starting small yet fair, between the 20 - 30 mark for less intense commissions. But if they pick a song or request that would be harder to fulfill then I feel a price increase to accommodate the extra time and effort is definitely the way to go. Then you can raise the price if they want a longer song, a specific character, and overall personalize prices to fit the amount needed. Maybe throw in a discount if they're a Patreon subscriber or something. Especially if these commissions will be made public after the fact. Just food for thought though!


idk pricing off of "how hard it is" is pretty subjective, dont really think pricing that way would be easy


True, guess it depends on the nature of the songs and edit complexity.


I took 20€ for my first commission a year ago. So yep, 25/30€ should be fine for a commission beginner. πŸ€” I will try my best for my second commissioned work πŸ€”


As long as it doesn't affect the quality itself.


The SFX and moans add a ton to your HMVs and are a big part of why they're so great, so they're def worth the extra effort imo