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thanks  Vatobot17

This Christmas will be a very special holiday due to everything that has happened because of COVID.
And Santa, being someone of advanced age, should be very careful.
That is why it is sometimes up to the kids to take care of certain matters, and here is where the Cutie Mark Crusaders, along with Spike, come in to save Christmas Night and deliver gifts and good wishes to all the children of the world.
But being children themselves, they cannot simply travel around the world alone at night, so they must have some magical companions to help them fulfill their enormous crusade.
Merry Christmas to all, and remember to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Esta navidad será una festividad muy especial, debido a todo lo sucedido con el COVID.

Y santa, por ser alguien de edad avanzada, también debe cuidarse.

Por eso a veces son los niños los que deben encargarse de algunos asuntos y aquí entran las cutie mark crusaders, junto a spike, a salvar la noche de navidad. Y de esta manera entregar a los niños del mundo sus regalos y buenos deseos.

Pero al ser también unos niños, no pueden andar solos por la noche recorriendo mundo. Así que tendrán una mágica compañía para ayudarles a cumplir con su enorme cruzada.

Feliz navidad a todos y recuerden cuidarse y a sus seres queridos.




Creo el December 24 para el dia antes navidad. ;)


24 de diciembre


The 24th Also great piece, very cute. But I wonder if maybe Sunset and Starlight could be included for a set of eight. But it probably makes more sense to go for the Mane Six.


I'd say the 24th. Would be more appropriate. Merry Christmas!

Kirazu Seishi

the 24 december it's more apropriate


ok ^^ y gracias por la idea de los disfraces para los niños


I can no longer add them but maybe for the new year's drawing, I integrated them


De nada 👌 Siempre estoy feliz de ayudar. Muchas gracias por la comision.


Also just had the idea from your poll, but dunno how complex would be - if you added Celestia and Luna, they could go at the front of the procession and thus you could draw them overtop the others. Dunno if it'd work and not demanding it, just an idea. This is still great :D


Merry Christmas ☺️