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hello ^^
Now I present Rainbow with her battle suit (obviously adapted to XD speed):

Rainbow (13 years old) unlike the others (except for Twilight) has three abilities: The first is the high speed and reflexes that she has reaching speeds of mach-3 (although this affects her too physically) in the open field obviously managing to make a sonic explosion. The second is the possibility of using magnetism, which also helps her to keep levitating and thus not to use his wings too much when she has to stay in the air.
The third is the possibility of using electricity where it is divided into three types:
the yellow electricity that is used to paralyze and confuse an opponent, the blue electricity that serves for direct damage to an opponent but without any danger of death to the enemy, and the last the red electricity that is the most dangerous and this type of power if it causes mortal damage.
Her affinity with the girls in some cases is very different from each other: with Twilight she sees her as a friend who is taking her confidence as they get to know each other, to Rarity there is not much affinity since her tastes are very different without However, she also considers her a friend at the same level as Twilight, with Pinkie, although she found her quite crazy, very soon she managed to understand her way of being and now she is one of her best friends.
Applejack is the one who will have more conflicts (for very personal reasons) and will be one of the girls to whom she has less confidence, even considering her a simple battle partner but not a friend.
and Fluttershy is the first friend who she had in Ponyville and who has the greatest confidence even considering her a sister.

I hope you like it ^^ 

 hola ^^
ahora presento a rainbow con su traje de batalla (obviamente adaptado a la velocidad XD):

rainbow (de 13 años) a diferencia de las demás (a excepción de twilight) posee tres habilidades: la primera es la gran velocidad y reflejos que ella posee alcanzando velocidades de mach-3 (aunque esto la afecta demasiado físicamente) en campo abierto obviamente logrando realizar una explosión sonica. la segunda es la posibilidad de utilizar el magnetismo lo que ademas le ayuda a mantenerse levitando y así no usar demasiado sus alas cuando tiene que mantenerse en el aire.
su tercera es la posibilidad de usar la electricidad donde esta se divide en tres tipos:
la electricidad amarilla que se utiliza para paralizar y confundir a un oponente, la electricidad azul que sirve para el daño directo a un oponente pero sin ningún peligro de muerte para el enemigo, y el ultimo la electricidad roja que es la mas peligrosa y este tipo de poder si causa un daño mortal.
su afinidad con la chicas en algunos casos es muy diferente una de la otra: con twilight ella la ve como una amiga que le esta tomando confianza a medida que se conocen mas, a rarity no hay mucha afinidad ya que sus gustos son muy diferentes sin embargo tambien la considera una amiga al mismo nivel que twilight, con pinkie, aunque la encontraba bastante loca, muy pronto logro entender la forma de ser de ella y ahora es una de sus mejores amigas.
con applejack es quien tendrá mas conflictos (por motivos muy personales) y sera de las chicas a quien menos confianza le tiene, incluso considerándola una simple compañera de batalla pero no una amiga.
y fluttershy es la primera amiga que tubo en ponyville y a quien le tiene la mayor confianza incluso considerándola una hermana.

espero que les guste ^^




Looks awesome! Can't wait to see it officially in the comic after AJ finally joins the group