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 Translation: by    nightmaremaster000 

Hi ^^ 

After a weekend a little sore (I had a fall on a ladder that left me quite beaten XD) I am developing the second part of chapter 10. I thank all those who saw the first part and who liked it and I hope that this second part is equally pleasing. that yes, it will be a part with a lot of dialogue since it will know the great secret of spike about its nature as dragon berserk (remember that it is a story created for the comic and some parts do not belong to the original story of the series) 

I will try to finish it this month but it always depends on the time that my real work gives me to render it in the comic. however, I promise that it will not be as much as the previous one. a small preview of the first page (if sometimes I take pictures of the last chapter to save time XD):


hola ^^
despues de un fin de semana un poco adolorido (tuve una caída en una escalera que me dejo bastante golpeado XD)
estoy desarrollando la segunda parte del capitulo 10. agradezco a todos los que vieron la primera parte y que les haya gustado y espero que esta segunda parte sea del igual agrado.
eso si, sera una parte con mucho dialogo ya que se sabrá el gran secreto de spike sobre su naturaleza como dragón berserk (recuerden que es una historia creada para el comic y algunas partes no pertenecen a la historia original de la serie)

intentare terminarlo este mes pero siempre depende del tiempo que mi trabajo real me de para rendirlo en el comic. sin embargo prometo que no sera tanto como la anterior.
un pequeño avance de la primera pagina (si aveces tomo imágenes del capitulo pasado para ahorrar tiempo XD):



Draco knight Blaze

I'm guessing the more in Rage Spike gets the stronger he gets Rainbow Dash better hope that Spike doesn't remember all the time she messed with him otherwise that's going to let's just say six feet under is not going to be an expression


yes, the more rage the more power you have. For that reason, time plays a very important role


Seeing Spike smack Twilight from the last part reminded me of the scene in DBZ when Reacoom hit Gohan a kick that nearly killed him. I was thinking "OMG Spike almost killed Twilight." Can't wait for this part it's gonna be good I can feel it. Have to agree with you Draco knight Blaze Spike just may have gotten a whole lot madder from Rainbow's punch better hope he can't "Jump Good" or else Rainbow is in trouble.


yes. Many have told me that it reminds them of that moment of DBZ. but to be honest I was inspired by the blow cell krillin gives

Kevin Forte

Applejack. Ya stubborn girl. Where you at? This has to be coming close to her finally stepping up.


I can’t wait for the next part. Rainbow Dash is also making a big mistake


remember that it is only a small girl, it is normal to make mistakes