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We've arrived at the last month of 2023 -- can you believe it?! It's been a great year here at Crash Course: we wrapped Crash Course Climate & Energy, launched Crash Course en Español with química and followed up with our freshly updated biology and biología series, explored plant life with Crash Course Botany, and had another successful Crash Course Coin campaign to help us continue doing this work! 

Through it all, you've supported us. Thank you so much for another great year working together to lower barriers to education! We've got some exciting stuff planned for next year that we can't wait to share with you! 




I appreciate everyone in the Crash Course team who daily work to make education more widely available to millions of people, but I'm especially grateful to John Green. It was the inspiration with which he shared his knowledge (and love of) history in his original videos on World History - now 11 years past! - which is why I'm here today supporting this great cause. I understand he retired relatively recently (2017? but I thought he was making videos during covid of European History?) due to Labyrinthitis. Anyway, in he mentions in a recent video of losing interest in wealth and fame and wanting to concentrate more on his impact. The big impact and the big numbers are impressive, but I just thought to also mention here how he inspired one person's (my) life. An individual may seem insignificant in the Grand Scheme, but I suspect there are many thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, whos live were changed for the better as a result of his passion for learning. Thank you, John Green. I wish you, your brother, and your family all the best as your navigate this mysterious journey we call "Life."