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Here at Crash Course we love to get curious about the world around us. Here's a few things our team is curious about at the moment:

Katie (Production Coordinator): One of my current curiosities is pop culture analysis through the lens of queer history! It's amazing how many rich stories are hiding in plain sight once you learn to decode the symbolism in context.

Meghan (Editorial Director): I learned there are invasive hippopotamuses in Colombia, which is wild!!

Jaime (Staff Writer): I'm obsessed with the 23,000-year-old footprints at White Sands pushing back the timeline of when people arrived in the Americas! And the incredible little moments they capture, like signs of prehistoric kids playing in a giant ground sloth's tracks.

Gary (Script Editor): Bay Leafs! I've been making a lot of soup lately, and almost every recipe calls for the inclusion of a Bay Leaf. But I had no idea /why/. Everyone's always said they increase the flavor, but it turns out they were originally included in medieval stews because they were thought to have medicinal purposes. The jury is out on if they actually "enhance" flavor, but most blind taste tests can't tell a difference.

Annie (Associate Editor): As a writer and general creative person, I'm really curious about AI and how we as a society are going to respond to things like machine-made art. Also I'm always reading any nonfiction about friendship i can get my hands on because it's such a fascinating, important, and understudied topic!

Brooke (Communications Coordinator): I'm planning a trip to Brazil next year and I'm curious about samba and its history!

Tell us what you're curious about currently! 



Jenney Dowd

I've got family members that are interested in discreet math.

pi rose

more college level STEM! also..more in-depth courses (plural) in mythology like of one individual culture (per course). thatd be chill af. the world