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Hello, wonderful patrons! Before you're charged for October, we wanted to remind you that all the money raised through the end of the year will go to expanding Crash Course in 2017. This includes more videos available to more people, with more supplemental materials. John explains this further in the video above. There will be twice-monthly livestreams through the end of 2016, and the second September one is TODAY at 5:30pm ET/3:30pm MT/2:30pm PT/4:30pm CT. Stay tuned for links coming closer to the start time!

Thank you so much for your support!


Our plans for Crash Course in 2017

Check out this important message from John! And know that the Patreon pledges you make starting today, September 1, through the end of this year will all go toward making Crash Course bigger and better in 2017! You can check out the Crash Course World History full curriculum here: thecrashcourse.com/curriculum.html.


Dr. Sarah Hinzman

I believe it is a "This star Won't Go Out" bracelet which is the charity founded in memory of Esther Earl who was a nerdfighter who befriended John & then later passed away after valiantly living her short life while being undermined by Cancer. Her impact on John & nerdfighteria means a great deal to him and those connected with the nerdfighter community. If you get a chance you should check out her book which was published by her family.

Lacey McKay

Ok... this is the first video I've seen by the creators and you and Hank have got to be brothers. Your articulation mannerisms are almost mirror image! Here's my input. I'd like to see all the 'revisionist history' set straight. Personally I want to see the stories like...those of George Washington at the French and Indian War. Where he was shot at 11 times by an indian sharp shooter who could not take Washington down. George had two horses shot out from under him, and four bullet holes in his coat. Yet he himself was untouched by bullet, bayonet, tomahawk, or arrow. Scores of victims had fallen beside him, yet he went unharmed. He had been protected by Providence. Every other mounted officer, had been slain. Or the fog that covered just them as they crossed water for a battle. There is literally a ton of information that has been washed from our history. They have turned history into dates and one line titles and left out the our historical ties to faith, freedom, people and prosperity. How about clearing up the dna lies about Thomas Jefferson regarding Sally Hemings. I realize that these may seem like 'sticky' topics but since when did truth you can prove become a problem to those of moral integrity? You young men have the ability to set the record to rights with humor, style and neutrality. These are stories taken from personal journals of that day. The question is are you men of that kind of integrity? You must understand somewhat of what we are up against or you wouldnt have begun this monumental task . The day I see one of these stories that unapologeticly link the Providential tie our Nation has always had in a crash course video, i will increase my donation by 5 times and send the word out to every Christian I know, which is a lot of people coming from a networker. Here are some places to start your research for original sources.. Wallbuilders.com books about history both black and white by David Barton,. 'American Covenant' book by Tim Ballard. These are men who are doing what you are doing in similar ways. Look for youtubes and books by both men. Thank you for your dreams and efforts to impact the world for the better!!! Im a very proud to be a supporter!