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Stan, Hannah, and Julia answered a few of your questions this month! What would you like the team to talk about next time?

Kevin: Why the "How To" college series?  Given how increasingly expensive college is and how many other viable options there are.

Julia Bluhm, Communications Coordinator: Crash Course How to College discusses several kinds of college/ continued education, including technical schools and community college. It also discusses paying for college, and how to know what you’re getting yourself into with the price of college and the impact of student loans. When it comes to college, I think knowledge is power. College is a huge (and expensive) decision, so by having resources like How to College available, students can inform themselves before making that decision, to do so responsibly. So, How to College isn’t meant to pressure students into attending college, I think it’s meant to help them understand what that really means, and help them through it if they decide to go.

Glory: What’s the most rewarding part about working on Crash Course?

Stan Muller, Producer: The most satisfying thing about working on Crash Course is hearing from students and teachers who use it. My absolute favorite thing to hear is when a student talks about how Crash Course gave them a way into a subject they thought they hated. There's nothing better than sparking a student's interest in a new subject and drawing them into binging content that they thought was too hard or too boring for them to learn.

Julia Bluhm, Communications Coordinator: would become our longest running partner, PBS Digital, Subabble was a new thing Hank was really excited about, and Patreon still didn't exist. Like Stan mentioned, we wore far too many hats back then and have definitely learned the value of bringing in more voices to help us make our content more accurate, inclusive, and useful.

Will you do a Spanish Crash Course?

Hannah Bodenhausen, Producer: We'd love to do a Crash Course Spanish, or teach other languages on Crash Course, but it's tricky because learning a new language requires speaking practice, which we aren't currently equipped to support for viewers. So no Crash Course Spanish in the near future, but maybe someday! BUT if you're wanting to see Crash Courses of other subjects in Spanish, we might have something in the works! 😉



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