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Check out this important message from John! And know that the pledges you make starting today, September 1, through the end of this year will all go toward making Crash Course bigger and better in 2017! 

And you can now view and download the Crash Course World History full curriculum here: http://thecrashcourse.com/curriculum.html


Patreon 2017 v1 TODAY

EPISODE DESCRIPTION *** Crash Course is on Patreon!


Eirik Bøe

You guys need translators? I'd be happy to help out with your Norwegian translations


I fucking LOVE crash course. Sometimes I don't even use it myself for month at a time but I always try to support it. I started of only giving 1 dollar, then 2 every month. Now I've just switched from 5 to 10 dollars. When my income allows it, I plan to give much more. XD