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Thank you to everyone who submitted questions for our team! If your question wasn't answered this time, it might be in the future. So keep an eye out!

Ms. Brock: Is everyone still filming from home? And does every team member live in Montana?

Hannah Bodenhausen, Producer: I'm actually the only producer who is still in Montana! Since travel was so complicated this past year, both of the shows I am working on were shot in homes local to the host (Deboki the host of Organic Chemistry and Mark the director of Outbreak Science both graciously lended rooms of their homes to us for several months), but both have now finished shooting. I don't know yet if I'll continue shooting remotely on future series, or if we'll shoot in one of our studios, but I would definitely love to get to work with hosts in person, depending on everyone's comfort with that of course.

Brandon Brungard, Producer: Many of our productions are still remote, but we’ve been slowly moving some of them back to our home studios depending on the comfort, availability, and preference of the teams. And nope, we don’t all live in Montana! Actually, I think at this point most of the CC team lives OUTSIDE of Montana. We’ve also got folks in Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, Illinois, Indiana, and of course the Thought Café folks in Ontario… and our writers and consultants are spread even further! For a snippet of just how distributed our teams are, lookout for Crash Course Geography Ep50 when in launches in April! We trace the team all over the Western Hemisphere!

Anonymous: Are there any plans for making curriculum materials that go along with Crash Course videos in the future?

Brandon Brungard, Producer: We think of our flashcards / quizzes available on the Crash Course App as supplemental material. We currently have decks available for Anatomy and Physiology,  Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry, and we hope to cover more courses in the future!

Ely: Does it matter, and if so, what is preferred - given same total money - distributed between different Patreon channels, or concentrated in a single one?

Julia Bluhm, Communications Coordinator: Complexly’s various Patreons go directly towards funding that show. So, SciShow’s Patreon goes to SciShow, and Crash Course’s Patreon supports Crash Course. Every pledge makes a big difference in supporting each show, so it’s hard to say which would be preferred. Support whichever channels you value most, (and which Patreon perks you’re most interested in)! And know your pledge is being put to good use either way. And if you're not as interested in monthly support for multiple channels, you can also give money to Complexly through a one-time gift. You can email info@complexly.com for more info!



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