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Nan Zingrone

Fascinating! Would love to see how a full script looks too. I love Andre and this whole course. I lived through a lot of that pre-history and was aware of what was happening prior to 1982 when I got my first job that included working on a computer (a PDP 11, so that was old already) but my pal Rick Deerfield had all the home gaming systems, one after the other, and we all had a heck of a time going over to his house and playing. Now I teach online in WizIQ.com, at Northcentral University and in Second Life, and I'm always giving talks about the history of virtual worlds and education. I knew SO little! This course is fantastic. My favorite since taking the history of the internet on Coursera. Great job guys, can't wait for the episode!

Alex O'Connell

You guys are so helpful with my Psychology prep and Crash Course psychology is just the best!!!