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What questions do you have for the Crash Course Content Team? The Content Team edits and organizes all the scripts, finds consultants and subject matter experts, and generally figures out the content of each Crash Course series! You can ask q's about them, about their job, about Crash Course in general, or whatever else you can think of! Submit here. 

The Content Team will do a live Q+A to answer your q's on Wednesday, May 26th at 1:00pm PT /2:00pm MT /4:00pm ET. Here is a time zone converter. But you can also watch it later on! 


Questions for Crash Course Content Team

Ask your questions for the Crash Course Content Team here!! The content team is responsible for organizing the structure and content of a Crash Course series: from script editing, to hiring consultants/subject matter experts, to planning future courses, and more.


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