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Supply and Demand: Crash Course Economics #4

In which Adriene Hill and Jacob Clifford teach you about one of the fundamental economic ideas, supply and demand. What is supply and demand? Well, you'll have to watch the video to really understand it, but it's kind of important for everything economically. Supply and demand sets prices, and indicates to manufacturers how much to produce.


Anza Power

I'm sorry to say this but this course isn't as fun or entertaining as any of the others, I was really hyped before because I never studied economics and always wondered how the world turned, but so far I can't say I've learned anything from this course, you spend too much time telling us how "simple" it is and "that's it, you now know economics" and drag over-simplified analogies for too long. In this video for example at 3:20-4:30, the terms "shortage" and "surplus" are so self explanatory that it should be instantly understandable to anyone what they mean, I don't understand why you need these un-intuitive supply/demand curves to explain it