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Record a short video telling us a little more about the impact our content has had in your life! Submit it at the same link above, which has more detailed instructions. Submissions are due by April 1.

We really appreciate your support! We have a lot of exciting things planned and we couldn't do it without you.


Aquarius Dreaming

I am an older person and didn’t get a chance to learn Science because I was in a religious high school that didn’t teach us real history or science. I also really struggled emotionally as a young adult in college and had a hard time paying attention in classes that I felt behind in and that I didn’t feel represented, like Science. I watch your show now in order to learn what I didn’t learn in school and to make sure that I am informed on current science. There are so many upsetting things going on in the world, I like to understand where we are at as a species on solving our problems. Anyway, I realized today that what makes me love your content so much is the DELIVERY and the HUMOUR! Sometimes, the topics are difficult for me to grasp emotionally or intellectually. Then as I understand the magnitude of a particular issue you present, you bust in with a joke or and enjoyable distraction to help me put it into perspective. To those writing and delivering the content, thank you! You are my 6-12 and college science professors! Many thanks for your hardwork!

Bonnie Flint

Love that you're asking for these! Please share them with everyone on the teams who have worked on these series (*cough* consultants *cough*) 😊