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I've been a bit frustrated with the state of Jitsi lately. There are several reported issues of cameras freezing, disconnects, and browser incompatibilities that I don't think are do to the module code, but caused by underlying Jitsi issues.

So, I went on an adventure playing with some other options and have come up with something that I'd like to start having folks test out! This is based on the LiveKit project,

The attached package can be extracted into your FVTT modules directory. After that, turn off the Jitsi module and turn on the new LiveKit AVClient module.

Unfortunately, there aren't any public servers for this one. Once some testing is done, I plan on writing up how to deploy your own instance of LiveKit. In the meantime, I have an instance of my own running that I'm sharing with my Patrons if you'd like to test this out. Going forward, my plan is to continue to provide a Patron server at some minimum tier level to help cover the sever costs.

To configure the module with my test sever, go to the AV Configuration in FoundryVTT and set the following values:

(Edit 2021-11-02: These keys are now superseded by the November 2021 access keys) 

Signaling Server URL: livekit.tavern.at

Signaling Server Username: DEPRECATED

Signaling Server Password: DEPRECATED

I'm still messing with the server side some so there may be some outages. If you plan to try it out with a game, feel free to leave a comment here or hit me up in Discord to let me know when that will be and I'll avoid messing with the servers at that time.

Test it out and let me know how it goes! If things are looking good, I'll release it to the public sometime in the next few weeks.

Take care and stay safe!



Mikhail Semenov

Does it have a separate page for non-foundry users? Part of my players have a webcam on another device, so it's super handy. If it has something to solve this problem, it also will be cool!

At the Tavern

Unfortunately it doesn't have that yet, but is something that I planned on adding in the future since I also have some players who like to connect that way.

At the Tavern

There's now also a server running out of Frankfurt, Germany so it should be a better test for EU users.