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- Salem Horror Fest 2021 -

Chippa is honored to be SHOOTING THE SHIT with Paul Owens, Writer / Director / Costar / Mad Genius behind LANDLOCKED - which premiered at Salem Horror Fest 2021!

Landlocked is a truly unique film incorporating Owens' actual home videos into the storyline.  Paul and Chris have a great discussion about the making of the film, some of it's themes and inspirations and filmmaking in general.

We had a great discussion, I hope you enjoy it!

Be sure to catch Landlocked at the Virtual Salem Horror Fest happening soon!




Shooting the Shit - Episode #102 - Salem Horror Fest 2021 - Paul Owens - Landlocked - 2021_1009

Salem Horror Fest 2021 -   Chippa is honored to be SHOOTING THE SHIT with Paul Owens, Writer / Director / Costar / Mad Genius behind LANDLOCKED - which premiered at Salem Horror Fest 2021!


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