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PATRON HANGOUT this Friday 11/22/19 @ 11 PM Eastern over discord.

Will post a discord link when we get closer to the date.

Pleade RSVP in the poll below so I have an idea foe attendance.

Also, I will most likely be recording again so this will be a voice chat.  But if you are uncomfortable talking or would just prefer to use text we will have text supported as well, just mute your mic.

Or if you just wanna be a fly on the wall and listen that is fine too, all are welcome / included.



Probably and hopefully


I'll try to make it. Last time was fun!


Heads up to all in case you didn't hear. Sarah (my wife and creating geeks cohost) had her gallbladder removed yesterday.


My plan is to tentatively still hold the hangout tonight. But please be patient as the start time may slip / I may have to walk away, etc.


Bad link, here is a good one: https://discord.gg/8gFdfU