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Attached you will find my rankings of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) movies up to and including Black Panther.

The Particulars:

Categories Ranked 1 (Lowest) to 5 (Highest): 

- Story (S)

- Humor (H)

- Story / Humor Balance (SHB)

- Villain (V) - Comic Book / Super Hero Movie (CBSH)

- Film (F)

- Cinematrography (C)

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Really cool idea. I am curious, though, as to how your humor (H) metric takes into account various factors like attempted humor vs successful humor, quantity of humor vs overall tone of movie, etc.. An example would be like Black Panther, which had less quantity of jokes, but the ones they had were pretty good and felt mostly natural, whereas in other movies they had a high quantity of jokes/quips, but maybe they didn’t land as well. BP also has a pretty serious tone compared to something like Guardians 2.


Oh I’m sorry, I just noticed the SHB metric haha. I guess that answers part of my question.


An interesting way to gauge them. I don't see much to disagree with (except Ant-Man's humor) and the trends are interesting. The second phase sequels were the weakest, with most first phase intro movies almost as low (excluding Captain America). The third (post Ultron) phase is where things hit it's stride.