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Hey all! Gen 3 releases are here and we have a special channel for it, plus pikas with hats.

Still working on getting v2 out to you all asap with webhooks, optimized functionality, pokego++ feed, additional sources, and so much more.

To all current patrons, thank you for your continued support and we hope you are enjoying the services. As always, don't hesitate to reach out to  admins/mods with any suggestions you'd like to see! 



I already joined! How to add articuno to my discord so I can see all chat rooms and bots


Hi, I paid 15 dollars to get this bot, how can I do it?


hey there, head over to discord and pm admin (not bot) and we'll get you setup!


Hi can someone help me put the bot on my server?


How can I add articuno not


Did you get it figured out? If you message admin with any issues we'll get it sorted asap.