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皆様の応援、心より感謝致しします。皆様のおかげで、私は今こうやって自由に好きな作品を作り上げることができています。   今回はこの場を借りて今後の運営状況を整理したいと思います。 まず、前回と同じ、冒険少女ギルドは毎月新しいキャラが登場します。そして新しいこのシリーズの絵(R18)とその差分も勿論あり、来年のC102でも設定集を出す予定です。今後も冒険少女ギルドシリーズの創作に努めていきたいです。   そして、前回皆様から好評をいただいたおっぱい星人の異世界転生CG集の続編がもうすぐ完成なので、今月末で発売する予定です! 基本独立の作品ではありますが、少しだけ前回と関わりがあるので、まだ見たことのない方はぜひこれを機に手に取って頂ければ幸いです。ぜひご期待ください!  その他に、今月からCG集「天才JK錬金術師(自称)の末路」を連載として、FANBOX、Fantia、Patreonで続き内容を毎月で追加更新する予定です! 第一部はこちらで一拳発表します! 続きお楽しみに!  最後、今回の冬コミは「リコリス・リコイル」のちさたき全年齢百合カラー四コマ漫画+イラスト本を作ろうと思います! なので、年末まで毎月でちさたきの百合カラー四コマ漫画とイラスト2編を投稿します! FANBOXなどで、ポロリ、膨乳とか成人向けの差分も勿論あり! 明日は第一話を投稿しますので、ぜひご期待ください!    ここまで読んでいただき、誠にありがとうございます。 これからもよろしくお願いいたします。

We sincerely thank you for your support. Thanks to all of you, I am now able to freely create my favorite works like this. This time, I would like to take this opportunity to organize the future management situation. First of all, just like last time, Adventure Girls Guild will introduce new characters every month. And, of course, there are the new pictures of this series (R18) and their differences, and we plan to publish a setting collection for next year's C102 as well. I would like to continue working on the creation of the adventure girl guild series. 

Also, the sequel to the CG collection of Alien Boobs Reincarnated into Another World, which was well received by everyone last time, will be completed soon, and will be released at the end of this month! Although it is basically an independent work, it is slightly related to the previous work, so if you have not seen it yet, I would appreciate it if you could take this opportunity to pick it up. Please expect by all means! In addition, from this month, I plan to serialize the CG collection "The End of the Genius JK Alchemist (self-proclaimed)" and update it every month on FANBOX, Fantia, and Patreon! The first part will be announced here! Stay tuned!  

Lastly, for this winter comic, I'm thinking of making a 4-panel lily color comic for all ages and an illustrated book from "Lycorice Recoil"! So, until the end of the year, I'll be posting Chisataki's Yuri color four-panel manga and two illustrations every month! Of course, there are differences for adults such as porori, puffy breasts, etc. on FANBOX! The first episode will be posted tomorrow, so please look forward to it! Thank you for reading this far. We are looking forward to hearing from you.



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